出售 公寓 居外物业ID: 75433118


约¥ 467 万

KYD 549,950 约¥3.5万/㎡
736H504, Cayman Islands


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欢迎来到 NCB Builders 为您带来的预建项目。Sunrise 联排别墅!42 套两居室和三居室联排别墅经过精心设计,充分考虑了当今现代家庭的需求。设计理念采用了中性的荷兰-加勒比建筑风格。配有木板瓷砖地板、白色摇床式厨房橱柜和石英台面。

这套两居室公寓面积为 1,444 平方英尺。每套联排别墅的开放式布局激发了互联生活,并通过无限的自然光和现代装饰进行了优化。私人阳台、大型步入式衣柜和套间浴室是这套联排别墅系列的标准配置。通往公共绿地的私人底层露台鼓励邻居们交流,并为孩子们提供自由奔跑和玩耍的安全空间,提升了 Sunrise Landing 提供的美好生活方式和生活质量。立即购买并等待升值。 2026 年建成

整合厨房、餐厅和起居区。每栋联排别墅的开放式布局都激发了精简、互联的生活,并通过无尽的自然光和现代装饰进行优化。私人阳台、大型步入式衣柜和套间浴室是这个独一无二的社区中心罕见联排别墅系列的标准配置。私人底层露台通向公共绿地,鼓励邻居们交流,并为孩子们提供自由奔跑和玩耍的安全空间,提升 Sunrise Landing 提供的美好生活方式和生活质量。需支付 10% 的定金,余款在完成时支付!锁定您的下一个新家!


Welcome to the Preconstruction project brought to you by NCB Builders. Sunrise Townhomes! 42 two- and three-bedroom townhomes have been thoughtfully designed with the needs of today’s modern family in mind. The design concept embraces a neutral Dutch-Caribbean architecture style. With wood-plank porcelain floors, white shaker-style kitchen cabinets and quartz countertops.

This Two-bedroom condominium are 1,444 sq ft. Each townhomes open plan layout inspires connected living, optimized by endless amounts of natural light and contemporary finishes. Private balconies, large walk-in wardrobes and ensuite bathrooms can be expected as standard int this townhome collection. Private ground floor terraces that lead onto communal green spaces encourage neighbors to connect and provide safe spaces for children to freely run and play, enhancing the wonderful lifestyle and quality of life that Sunrise Landing offers. Buy now and wait for the appreciation to happen. Ready 2026

Integrating kitchen, dining and living areas. Each townhome's open plan layout inspires streamlined, connected living, optimised by endless amounts of natural light and contemporary finishes. Private balconies, large walk-in wardrobes and ensuite bathrooms can be expected as standard within this rare townhome collection in the centre of this one-of-a-kind community. Private ground floor terraces that lead onto communal green spaces encourage neighbours to connect and provide safe spaces for children to freely run and
play, enhancing the wonderful lifestyle and quality of life that Sunrise Landing offers. 10% deposit required and balance on completion! Lock in your next new home!



Engel & Volkers Cayman Islands
Heidi Kiss

View property in English


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