出售 公寓 居外物业ID: 72331525


约¥ 251 万

KYD 295,000
588, Cayman Islands


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西湾的这块土地海拔在 10 至 14 英尺之间,风景如画,地势较高,靠近钴海岸 (Cobalt Coast) 和海洋点别墅 (Ocean Point Villas)。



The parcel of land in West Bay is situated at an elevation ranging between 10 and 14 feet above sea level, providing a picturesque and elevated setting.near Cobalt Coast and Ocean Point Villas.
The land is well-suited for constructing a small condo complex or a family home, benefiting from its elevated position. The higher elevation provides potential residents with an added sense of security from coastal concerns, such as storm surges or flooding, enhancing the overall desirability of the location.

Considering its elevated position, the parcel of land in West Bay presents an opportunity for a home or complex that combines both functionality and aesthetic appeal, making it an attractive option for those seeking a residence with a commanding view and a touch of natural beauty.



Engel & Volkers Cayman Islands
Heidi Kiss

View property in English


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