出售 公寓 居外物业ID: 72333422


约¥ 956 万

USD 1,350,000
2, Cayman Islands


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在大开曼岛和岛上最负盛名的社区之一“开曼凯”拥有自己的天堂的绝佳机会。周围环绕着价值数百万美元的住宅,步行片刻即可到达著名的 Rum Pt 海滩酒吧和烧烤店、生物湾、海星点和 Kaibo。该地块海拔 14 英尺,地势高且干燥,缓缓向下倾斜至美丽的沙滩,沙滩上有一些分散的铁岸。该地段受到珊瑚礁的保护,距离岛上一些最好的珊瑚礁浮潜地点仅几步之遥。从您自己的私人领地欣赏日出和日落的色彩。这真是天堂。建造您的梦想之家,将其用于家庭和娱乐,将其变成绝佳的出租房产,或两者兼而有之!这是你的选择。


Incredible opportunity to own your own piece of paradise in Grand Cayman and in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods on the Island of Cayman Kai. Surrounded by multi-million dollar homes and a short walk to the famous Rum Point beach bar, bio-bay, Starfish Point and Kaibo. This estate lot is 14 feet above sea level and slopes down gently to the gorgeous sandy beach with some Ironshore. This lot is protected by the coral reef and offers some of the best coral reef snorkeling on the island just a short swim away. See sunrises and the colors from the sunsets from your paradise abode. Build your dream house and use it for family and entertaining, turn it into a great rental property or both!
*Aerial map images taken from Cayman Lands and Survey;



Engel & Volkers Cayman Islands
Heidi Kiss

View property in English


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