出售 独栋别墅 居外物业ID: 72328426


约¥ 956 万

USD 1,350,000 约¥5.3万/㎡
245H14 South Sound, Cayman Islands


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欢迎来到这个坐落在南湾中心的可爱之家,这里的小屋魅力与现代生活的便利相结合。这个友好的社区非常适合许多家庭,将单户住宅的隐私与分层开发的便利设施和社区精神结合在一起。踏入房屋后,您会发现 25 英尺高的天花板营造出令人印象深刻的光线充足的空间。享受专为餐饮和娱乐而设计的开放式起居区。厨房设有中央岛台、宽敞的储物空间和充足的工作台面。该楼层还设有两间宽敞的卧室,每间卧室均配有宽敞的内置储物空间,位于带浴缸淋浴的全套浴室套房的两侧。上层夹层区域目前用作家庭办公室,但可以轻松转换为额外的卧室和连接浴室。宽敞的主卧室拥有设施齐全的步入式衣柜,相邻的浴室配有宽敞的步入式淋浴间。厨房的法式门通向宽敞的私人后廊,俯瞰着广阔的石灰华露台和草坪 - 一个明亮的绿树成荫的儿童游乐空间。您可以在露台上宏伟的芒果树荫下喝一杯,这里是与朋友和家人共度欢乐时光的迷人场所。种植园的居民共用很少繁忙的游泳池以及带浴室和更衣设施的毗邻区域。您会看到孩子们在这个安全、安静、宠物友好的环境中玩耍和骑自行车。走进你的新房子,无需爬很多楼梯或穿过停车场。从邻近的多车车库带入您的杂货。欢迎回家!


Welcome to this lovely home nestled in the heart of South Sound, where cottage charm meets the convenience of modern living. Perfect for many families, this friendly neighbourhood combines the privacy of a single-family home with the amenities and community spirit of a stratified development. Upon stepping into the house, notice the impressive light-filled space created by 25 ft ceilings. Enjoy the open-plan living area delightfully designed for dining and entertaining. The kitchen features a central island, generous storage, and ample work surfaces. This floor also accommodates two spacious bedrooms, each with generous built in storage, located either side of a full bathroom suite with over tub shower. The upper floor mezzanine area is currently used as a home office but could easily be converted into an additional bedroom and en-suite bathroom. The expansive master bedroom boasts a fully fitted walk-in closet and the adjacent bathroom benefits from a spacious walk-in shower. French doors from the kitchen lead to a spacious and private back porch overlooking an extensive travertine block patio and lawn - a bright leafy play space for children. Have a drink on the patio in the shade of the magnificent mango tree - an enchanting spot for happy hour with friends and family. The Plantation pool is a shared complete with a bathroom and covered patio area. You will see children playing and riding bikes in this safe, quiet, pet-friendly setting. Step into your new house without climbing numerous staircases or crossing parking lots. Bring in your groceries from the adjacent 2 car - carport. Insurance fee is CI$535 per mth and Maint is CI$415 per mth



Engel & Volkers Cayman Islands
Heidi Kiss

View property in English


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