出售 公寓 居外物业ID: 75432895


约¥ 1,525 万

KYD 1,795,000
66/67/68/69/70/91, Cayman Islands


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探索下谷 3.52 英亩黄金地产的未开发潜力。

这片原始地产由 6 个细分地块组成,地势高且干燥,所有地块均可通行。这不仅仅是土地,而是一块拥有无限机遇的空白画布!

这片占地 3.52 英亩、海拔 10 英尺的非凡地产让您拥抱未来。这片土地靠近东西主干道的扩建部分,周围环绕着即将开发的开发项目,潜力巨大。



5 分钟即可到达乡村购物区,10 分钟即可到达大港,20 分钟即可到达乔治城,不到 30 分钟即可到达 SMB 和卡马纳湾。不要错过这个难得的机会。

请注意,该房产按土地价值定价,但包括一栋 3000 平方英尺以上的房屋、500 平方英尺的车库、两个混凝土地基上的棚屋、两口井、一台发电机、一个游泳池和一个小屋。这所房子得到了很好的照顾,是一个绝佳的机会,可以用作俱乐部会所或销售办公室,或者保留并翻新成您自己的梦想之家。

有关更多信息,请访问 www.lowervalleyland.com


Explore Lower Valley’s untapped potential of 3.52 acres of prime real estate.

This pristine property consists of 6 subdivided lots, which are high and dry, and all lots have road access. This isn't just land; it's a blank canvas with boundless opportunity!

Embrace the future with this remarkable 3.52-acre property at a 10-foot elevation. Situated close to the expansion of the East-West Arterial and surrounded by upcoming developments, the possibilities for this land are vast.

The choices are plentiful, with the potential for a residential subdivision, retirement community, wellness resort & retreat, or animal sanctuary. Additionally, the nutrient-rich soil opens up opportunities for agricultural ventures.

Whether you choose to develop, sell, or savour this slice of paradise, this property offers a promising canvas for a variety of future endeavours.

5 Minutes to Countryside Shopping, 10 Minutes to Grand Harbour, 20 minutes to George Town and less than 30 Minutes to SMB and Camana Bay. Don't miss out on this rare opportunity.

Note that the property is priced at land value, but included is a +3000 sf house, 500 sf garage, two sheds on a concrete foundation, two wells, a generator, a pool, and a cabana. The house has been well cared for and would be an excellent opportunity to serve as a clubhouse or sales office or keep and renovate into your own dream home.

For more info, please go to www.lowervalleyland.com



Engel & Volkers Cayman Islands
Heidi Kiss

View property in English


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