

[caption id="attachment_126714" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 几个月后,越南将对外国买家开放房地产市场[/caption]

预计到2015年7月,在胡志明市,新加坡开发商嘉德置地(CapitaLand)旗下的维斯塔佛得角(Vista Verde)公寓项目的潜在买家数量将呈现指数级增长。



嘉德置地越南地区首席执行官陈连庞(Chen Lian Pang)称,随着房产位置和类型不同,租金收益率范围在6% 到 7%之间不等。“越南刚刚度过了经济周期的低谷。现在正在回升,所以实际上有很大的上涨空间。”


亚洲新闻台(Channel NewsAsia)指出,目前为止,预定了维斯塔佛得角公寓的买家中,超过90%是本地人。不管是对于这个项目以及全国其他地区的房产项目而言,本地买家占大头这一点预计不会改变。



世邦魏理仕(CBRE)越南河内区执行主任理查德•利奇(Richard Leech)表示,需要密切监控基础设施建设。“我们正处于初期阶段。机场要建在哪里,地铁系统将如何规划——这些将会改变人们未来想要居住的城市面貌。”


东盟地区领先法律服务机构网络ZICOlaw越南区的经理合伙人大卫 ·林(David Lim)说:“(越南)政府想要确保越南未来将继续保持竞争力和对外国投资者的吸引力,以及营造一种经济能够蓬勃发展的环境。”


Vietnam to open up property market to foreigners

Vietnam is months away from opening up its property market to foreign buyers. With economic growth hovering above 5 per cent, developers say the country makes a good property play, especially for those looking to diversify in the region. But it could be a while before international buyers bite.

Come July, the potential pool of buyers for CapitaLand’s Vista Verde condominium project in Ho Chi Minh City will grow exponentially.

A new law will allow foreigners with valid residential visas, as well as foreign companies, to buy in. Now, only those married to Vietnamese or foreigners deemed to be contributing to national development can own property.

Singapore developer CapitaLand says what makes Vietnam real estate compelling is a higher yield on rent compared to other countries in Asia.

CEO of CapitaLand Vietnam Chen Lian Pang says this ranges from 6 to 7 per cent depending on the location and type of property. "Vietnam has just gone through the bottom (economic) cycle. It is picking up, so there is a lot of upside actually.”

The sector is betting on three groups of buyers: a growing domestic middle class, returning overseas Vietnamese, and foreign executives moving in to set up manufacturing outposts.

Channel NewsAsia understands that more than 90 percent of the buyers who have booked units at Vista Verde so far are local. And this is not expected to change for this project as well as others across the country.
The market is not expecting a surge in foreign buyers when the new law kicks in this July because foreign property ownership is still capped at 50 years, and only 30 per cent of any apartment block can be sold to outsiders.

Experts say investors are also wary of opaque and ever-changing laws, and the uncertainty of urban development plans.

Richard Leech, Executive Director of CBRE Vietnam, Hanoi, says infrastructure development needs to be monitored. “We are at an early stage. Where the airport is going to go, where the metro system is going to go - that is going to change the face of where people want to live in the future."

Still, the new law is widely seen as a positive move to invigorate the property market and reinforce the broader message that Vietnam is open for business.

Managing Partner of ZICOlaw Vietnam, David Lim, said: “The government is looking at ensuring that Vietnam continues to be competitive, continues to be attractive to foreign investors, and to create an environment where business can thrive.”

For now, construction work carries on in Vietnam’s big cities, as the market readies itself for the world.




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