

最新报告显示,自2008年连接伦敦东西部的横贯铁路Crossrail开通以来,周边房价一直在上涨,增幅最高达82%,位列英国之首。Crossrail西起伦敦的雷丁镇 (Reading),东至申菲尔德镇(Shenfield),沿线一共40个铁路站点,总长75英里。

[caption id="attachment_120093" align="aligncenter" width="500"] 英国房产投资潜力股:伦敦Crossrail铁路沿线房价暴涨82%![/caption]


伦敦房产中介莱坊国际(Knight Frank)的分析显示,在伦敦中心,离轨道站只有10分钟步行距离的房屋,价格平均上涨57%;而邦德街站(Bond Street station)附近的房屋,价格飙升82%,为沿线房价的最大增幅。



莱坊国际的英国住宅研究部主管Gráinne Gilmore指出,交通对于首都伦敦的房地产市场来说格外重要。公司调查显示,91%的伦敦租客希望在交通线1公里以内的区域生活。“在过去的12个月,伦敦的涟漪效用已经开始发挥了,具体表现为伦敦周围的房价也增长强劲。这也为东西部轨道站的房价走强提供了助力,尤其是那些房价增长落后,未来几年有新房交付的地区。


[caption id="attachment_120094" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Crossrail附近的伦敦中央站周边房价表现远超当地市场。[/caption]

自2008年起,离Crossrail铁路的西部车站15分钟步行距离的地区,平均房价已经累计上涨了28%,高出当地房价逾6%。而在Crossrail东部车站的附近,同期房价已经累计上涨 21%,跑赢本地市场3%的温和增长水平。



Gráinne Gilmore还补充说:“计划中的发展水平和Crossrail的外围开发,应该会给房价上涨提供空间。因为公共领域有所改善,附加设置需求增多,买家就会来访问这些地区。相比中央车站,铁路沿线的房产还有一定折扣,更有吸引力,是一种利好。

[caption id="attachment_120095" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Crossrail跌路线贯穿伦敦[/caption]



Property values around some Crossrail stations have surged since the east-west London line got the green light in 2008, with the fastest-rising jumping 82%, according to a new report.

Along the length of the entire line from Maidenhead to Shenfield prices within a short walk of stations have risen only 5% more than the local market, gaining 43% on average since 2008, but within that some areas have soared much faster.

Prices within a 10-minute walk of stations in central London have risen an average of 57%, according to analysis from London estate agent Knight Frank, while those close to Bond Street station have soared by 82%, the largest increase along the route.

Outside central London, Acton has seen the largest increase, 77% over the last six years, a third more than the average for the area. In central London, Farringdon and Paddington have both outperformed the local area by approximately 24%. Shenfield, at the easternmost end of the Crossrail line, has outperformed the local market by nearly 12%.

The tunnelling for Crossrail, Europe’s largest infrastructure project, is nearly complete, and the 73-mile (118km) railway line is expected to open in late 2018. The high-speed line will increase London’s overall rail capacity by 10%.

Gráinne Gilmore, head of Knight Frank UK residential research, argues that transport is a particularly important factor in the capital’s property market. The company’s survey shows that 91% of tenants in London want to live within 1km of a transport link.

She said: “Over the last 12 months, the price ‘ripple’ effect in London has really started to take effect, with stronger price growth in areas surrounding central London. This could help feed into stronger price growth around stations towards the east and west, especially those which have underperformed to date, and where housing supply is set to be delivered in the coming years.”

Central London stations near Crossrail have far outperformed their local area.
House prices within a 15-minute walk of western Crossrail stations have risen by an average 28% since 2008, 6% more than the local market. In the eastern section, values have grown by 21%, outperforming local markets by a more modest 3%.

Knight Frank has predicted London prices will rise 18% by the end of 2018, but said the areas around Crossrail stations would continue to rise fastest.

The report does not claim that Crossrail is the only factor in the price growth across the route but one of a number of factors driving the trend. The increased development that comes with these infrastructure projects is a key driver.

Gilmore added: “The planned levels of development along the outer sections of the Crossrail route should provide scope for price uplifts as the public realm is improved, amenities receive a boost and buyers have new reasons to visit the area. The relative ‘discount’ in terms of price per square foot in these areas compared to more central locations is also likely to work in their favour.”
Crossrail route through London.




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