




豪宅主要集中在纽约、伦敦和中国香港。但是,一些小地方也越来越受欢迎, 比如瑞士南端的卢加诺(Lugano)、纽约市外的汉普顿(Hamptons)、和世界各地的一些美丽乡村。

该报告预测,财富创造的轴心正从西方转移到东方,代际财富转移越来越明显,这两方面将对豪宅地产市场产生重大的影响 ——新开发更受重视和投资级城市的变化。


  • 2014年,超富裕人士拥有的住宅地产在全球范围内增加了的8%。
  • 超富裕人士人均拥有2.7套自住豪宅。
  • 截至2014年,全球通过房地产致富的超级富豪占总数的7%以上,较2013年的5%增加。
  • 超富裕女性比超富裕男性更看重房地产,平均而言,她们净资产的16%是豪宅。对于超富裕男性,这一占比低于10%。
  • 那些继承遗产的超富裕人士通常更青睐豪宅地产。这些人净资产的17%是豪宅。对于靠自己奋斗成功的超富裕人士,这一占比略低于9%。
  • 资产净值在3千万美元至5千万美元的超级富豪,通常会持有他们的第一套豪宅超过15年,持有第二套豪宅超过10年。
  • 亿万富豪平均每三年换掉他们四套房产中的一套。
  • 一般来说,第二套豪宅要比第一套豪宅贵逾45%,面积是第一套的两倍,还附有 10英亩的土地。
  • 摩纳哥的外籍超富裕人士所拥有的豪宅密度最高,为83%。
  • 全球有超过6%的超富裕人士将第一套豪宅买在外国,他们通常会在出生国购买第二套豪宅,这一点印度最为突出。

According to a new report by Wealth-X and the Sotheby's International Realty, nearly US$3 trillion of the world's private wealth is held in owner-occupied residential properties, a value greater than the GDP of India.

There are 211,275 ultra-high net worth (UHNW) individuals - defined as those with US$30 million and above in net assets - in the world and 79% of them own two or more residences.
Some of the main hubs for luxury residential real estate are New York City, London and Hong Kong, but niche locations - such as Lugano, the Hamptons outside New York City, and rural areas around the world - are gaining in popularity.
The Wealth-X and Sotheby's International Realty Global Luxury Residential Real Estate Report forecasts that the ongoing shift in the wealth creation cycle from the West to the East, and the growing significance of intergenerational wealth transfers will have significant consequences on the luxury residential real estate market - with a noted emphasis on new developments and a change in investment grade cities.

Below are other key findings from the inaugural report:

  • The value of UHNW-owned residential real estate assets increased by 8% globally in 2014.
  • On average, UHNW individuals own 2.7 owner-occupied residences.
  • As of 2014, over 7% of the world's UHNW population made their wealth through real estate, up from 5% in 2013.
  • Ultra affluent women value real estate assets more than their male counterparts, holding 16% of the net worth in such assets, on average, compared to less than 10% for men.
  • Luxury residential real estate is an asset class typically favored by UHNW individuals with inherited wealth: these individuals hold 17% of their net worth in such assets, compared to just under 9% for self-made UHNW individuals.
  • UHNW individuals with net worth between US$30 million and US$50 million typically keep their primary residences for over 15 years and their secondary residences for over 10 years.
  • Billionaires change one of their four properties, on average, once every three years.
  • Secondary residences are typically 45% more valuable than primary residences; twice the square footage and have 10 acres of land.
  • At 83%, Monaco has the highest density of foreign-owned UHNW residences.
  • Over 6% of the world's UHNW population have relocated their primary residence to a different country from which they were born - these individuals often keep a secondary residence in their home countries, and India is the leading country in this respect.





全球豪宅 超级富豪 顶级豪宅



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