



该年度调查由亚洲非上市产地产投资协会(ANREV)、欧洲非上市房地产投资协会(INREV)和美国基金房地产协会 (PREA),于1月24日联合发布。

ANREV的首席行政官Alan Dalgleish称:“2015年,亚洲投资者将积极进行全球房地产投资配置,亚洲区房地产行业和跨境流动的前景乐观。”







NAB私人财富亚洲区总经理Andrew McCasker指出:“如果澳元兑美元保持在目前水平或进一步走弱,澳洲房产作为亚洲投资者的一项选择,将继续保持强大的吸引力。”

 Investors are going to pour an estimated US$58.5 billion into global real estate this year because property is more attractive as an asset class given the low interest rate environment, weak bond yields and rising volatility in world stock markets, according to an investment intentions survey jointly published today by industry associations.

The annual survey was published by the Asian Association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles (ANREV), The European Association for Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles (INREV) and Pension Real Estate Association (PREA).

“2015 looks to be an active year for Asia-based investors in global real estate investment allocation which is positive for the industry overall in this region and for cross-border flows,” said Alan Dalgleish, Chief Executive of ANREV.

Investors intend to increase the weightings of real estate in their portfolios, with the average allocation expected to rise to 11.3 per cent from 10.8 per cent, the survey showed.

The survey attracted a record 337 participants comprised of investors, fund managers and fund of funds managers. Out of the total, 82 were from the Asia Pacific region.

The current environment of low interest rates and low bond yields has highlighted the attraction of real estate as an asset class, especially for those seeking relative value when comparing real estate with low fixed income and volatile stock markets, the survey said.

The most popular investment destination is Tokyo, followed by Sydney, and tier-one cities in China such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai. Melbourne is tied with the Chinese cities for the third spot.

Investors prefer to invest in the office market, while industrial and logistics rank second. Forty five per cent of investors expect to invest in the Tokyo office market this year.

In a separate survey by National Australia Bank (NAB), nearly seven in 10 residential property purchases by foreign buyers in Australia were less than A$1 million in the fourth quarter 2014. They invested as a way to diversify the assets in their personal wealth portfolio.

“If the Australian dollar stays at this level or weakens further, Australian property as an investment option for Asian investors will continue to remain attractive,” said Andrew McCasker, General Manager of NAB Private Wealth, Asia.






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