
受澳洲华人买家推动 墨尔本市郊成为澳州增长最强劲的房市

在过去的三年里,受中国买家推动, 墨尔本北贝沃尼(Balwyn North)地区房价上涨了87%,成为澳大利亚增长最强劲的房地产市场。

中国投资者和移民长期以来被视作贝沃尼、格伦威弗利(Glen Waverley)和威弗利山(Mount Waverley)等市郊的房地产最大买家。

 受澳洲华人买家推动 墨尔本市郊成为澳州增长最强劲的房市

受澳洲华人买家推动 墨尔本市郊成为澳州增长最强劲的房市

教育环境、众多中国社区的建立是关键激励因素,许多中国买家在这里购买房产目的是为了让他们的孩子进入当地著名的高中──博文公立中学(Balwyn High School)和格伦威弗利中学(Glen Waverley Secondary College)就读。

这套5室别墅位于威弗利山坎普大道(Kemp Avenue)22号,售价286万澳元。

Domain 集团数据显示,北贝沃尼正在加入东部第一流的郊区行列,平均房价高达180万澳元,公寓均价100万澳元。




Domain集团资深分析师安德鲁•威尔逊(Andrew Wilson)表示,北贝沃尼正在迎头赶上贝沃尼的房市,他称,据传, 北贝沃尼曾定位为墨尔本澳籍华裔至尊郊区。




无法承担北贝沃尼和贝沃尼房价的买家目前关注蒙特艾伯特(Mont Albert)、盒子山(Box Hill),唐卡斯特(Doncaster)和东唐卡斯特(Doncaster East)地区的房市。

而那些已经放弃在格伦威弗利和威弗利山买房的买家正在将目光转向东伯伍德(Burwood East)和南旺加拉塔 (Wantirna South)。

房产中介机构巴里普兰特(Barry Plant) 威弗利区销售总监马里奥•穆纳佛(Mario Munafo)说, 过去12至24个月威弗利区郊区的中国市场一直在增长。



该房产中介机构最近在出售日期之前,以2,860,500澳元卖掉了一套位于威弗利山中小学区,坎普大道(Kemp Avenue )22号的两层楼高的房子。






Balwyn North is Australia’s strongest Chinese-Australian property market

House prices in Balwyn North have jumped by a staggering 87 per cent over the past three years, making it the strongest market driven by Chinese buyers in Australia.

Chinese investors and migrants have long been understood to the biggest buyers of real estate in the suburb, as well as Balwyn, Glen Waverley and Mount Waverley.

Education and established Chinese communities are key motivations, with many buying properties to gain their children entry into Balwyn High School and Glen Waverley Secondary College.

The five-bedroom house in 22 Kemp Avenue, Mount Waverley, sold for $2,860,000.

Balwyn North is joining the ranks of blue-ribbon suburbs in the inner east, with a median house priceof $1.8 million and a unit median of $1 million, according to Domain Group data.

The market is now even hotter than Chatswood, a popular suburb with Chinese-Australians in Sydney, where house prices grew 69 per cent to a $2.05 million median.

In Melbourne, Chinese buyers have also pushed up house prices in Balwyn, where prices grew 54 per cent to a median of $1.9 million.
But over the past year, Mount Waverley was the standout performer with house prices soaring 40 per cent to $1.2 million, trumping Glen Waverley’s $1.16 million median and 25 per cent growth.

With Balwyn North catching up to Balwyn, Domain Group senior economist Andrew Wilson said that anecdotally, Balwyn North was establishing itself as the ultra-prestige suburb for Chinese-Australians in Melbourne.

“I’m not saying that Chinese buyers don’t look to Toorak or traditional [prestigious] suburbs as well,” he said, “but in terms of large numbers, I think there is a perception that North Balwyn is an elite suburb amongst the Chinese community.”

Dr Wilson said Chatswood was also driven by the energy of Sydney’s market, while the Melbourne suburbs grew at a more significant pace than the city-wide market.

Going forward, the growth in these suburbs are expected to continue, forcing some buyers to look further afield.

Buyers priced out of Balwyn North and Balwyn are looking at Mont Albert, Box Hill, Doncaster and Doncaster East.

And those who have given up on Glen Waverley and Mount Waverley are considering Burwood East and Wantirna South.

Barry Plant Mount Waverley sales director Mario Munafo said the Chinese market in the suburb had grown over the past 12 to 24 months.
In particular, there had been demand for new luxury home sites which had driven the marketplace to the next quadrant in price, he said.

“Predominately, that’s driven by the demand for the schools [including] Mount Waverley Secondary, but there’s also a good selection of good private schooling.
“The new luxury home market in Mount Waverley hasn’t been as dominant as it’s been in Glen Waverley, so when a new luxury home – whether it’d be a site or a new home – becomes available there’s enormous demand for those styles of home.”

The agency recently sold a two-storey, five-bedroom house at 22 Kemp Avenue in the Mount Waverley Primary and Secondary College zones for $2,860,500 via sale by set date.

Mr Munafo said four groups made offers, but it was a local Chinese buyer who won the keys.

Offshore Chinese investors typically bought land to build a luxury home on, he said, while local Chinese buyers opted to upgrade to established luxury homes.
According to the 2011 ABS Census, 26.3 per cent of the population in Chatswood are Chinese, while they make up 15.9 per cent of Balwyn North and 17.4 per cent of Balwyn.




墨尔本房价 澳洲房市 墨尔本移民



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