
伦敦市中心豪宅市场再次升温 每尺房价1200镑


伦敦市中心豪宅市场再次升温 每尺房价1200镑

伦敦市中心豪宅市场再次升温 每尺房价1200镑

根据英国房地产商Marsh & Parsons发布的数据,伦敦皮姆利科区(Pimlico)去年的房地产市场表现强劲,房价上涨5%,与去年第二季度相比上涨 66,000英镑。


第二季度,外国买家贡献了全部销售额的34%,同比上升30%。Marsh & Parsons宣称这与来伦敦工作和生活的欧洲买家有很大关系。

皮姆利科区的房产单价比伦敦整体房产单价要高出27%。处于中心地段如荷兰公园(Holland Park)、诺丁山(Notting Hill)或肯辛顿-切尔西(Kensington and Chelsea)等的房屋,每平方英尺单价为1,516英镑;而伦敦整体市中心房产的每平方英尺单价一般维持在1,192英镑。

Marsh & Parsons的首席执行长Peter Rollings表示:“在久负盛名的伦敦中心区域,如肯辛顿(Kensington)、切尔西(Chelsea)和荷兰公园,房屋有着出色的资本增值和财产保值功能,这使得这些地区格外有吸引力,尤其是对投资者来说,最近的房价上涨更是令人鼓舞。

“投资者是衡量伦敦市场整体健康状况的一个很好标尺。如果有任何可能会引发对未来伦敦房市担忧的因素,投资者将会快马加鞭赶往别处,”Peter Rollings解释说。


不过,该区的房价增长相比去年还是要慢得多,按年计,伦敦黄金地段的房价甚至有所下跌。Peter Rollings称,将房价置于一个较长的周期来比较很重要,自2013年6月以来,伦敦黄金地段的房产均价已经暴涨了​12.1%。

就物业类型而言,二季度伦敦“家庭装”住宅(family sized homes)录得了最大的价格涨幅——黄金地段的四居室价格环比上涨约13%。此外,住宅需求也有所上涨,注册买家数量增加17%。Peter Rollings预计,未来几个月内,伦敦市场的调整幅度可能会位居英国第二位,价格处于最高级别的房产销售会有更多的微调,以适应印花税改革。





Prime property prices in prime central London up for first time since Sept 2014

Prime property prices in central London increased slightly, up by 0.8% in the second quarter of 2015, the first rise since September 2014, according to the latest index.

Pimlico has seen the strongest growth in the last year with values up 5% or £66,000 compared with the second quarter of 2014, the data from estate agent Marsh & Parsons.

The second quarter has also seen a 17% rise in demand for property in this sector but at the same time supply increased by only 10% while overall 42% of sales are now made by investors, a rise of 8% year on year.

At the same time, there has been an upswing in foreign buyers who accounted for 34% of all sales in the second quarter of the year, up from 30% in the second quarter of 2014 although then firm says this has much to do with European buyers of all nationalities coming to live and work in London.
Overall property in this sector costs 27% more per square foot than across London as a whole with the average square foot of property in central locations such as Holland Park, Notting Hill or Kensington and Chelsea valued at £1,516, some 27% higher than the capital wide average. In contrast, overall in Prime London, the typical price per square foot stands at £1,192.
‘The excellent capital appreciation and secure nature of property in prestigious central addresses of Kensington, Chelsea and Holland Park have long made them appealing particularly to the investor and it’s encouraging that we’ve seen such a rise recently,’ said Peter Rollings, chief executive officer of Marsh & Parsons.

‘Investors are a good gauge of the overall health of the London market. If there was any cause for concern about the future property market, investors would be upping sticks and moving elsewhere,’ he explained.
He also pointed out that price growth turned a corner and started to improve again with a 0.8% quarterly rise compared to a 0.6% drop in the first quarter of the year. Outer Prime areas of the capital have seen the strongest resurgence in price growth, experiencing 1% growth.

However, house price growth in this sector is still much slower than last year, and on an annual basis, values have dipped across the prime London property market. Rollings said that it is important to place this into a longer term context, and since June 2013 the value of the average prime London home has increased by 12.1%.
In terms of property type, family sized homes have experienced the biggest rise in price with four bed properties across prime London appreciating by 1.3% over the quarter. Also, demand for homes has increased with the number of registered buyers up 17%.

Peter Rollings expects that the London market is likely to play second fiddle to the rest of the country in the coming months, as it has more fine tuning to do at the highest levels to adapt to the changed stamp duty levels.






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