

多伦多是加拿大的迪拜。据德国跟踪房地产开发的安波利斯有限责任公司(Emporis GmbH)提供的统计数据显示,多伦多开发商建造了97处住宅摩天大厦,比北美其他任何城市都要多。过去5年的大部分时间里,开发商们疯狂地建造摩天大楼,似乎没有尽头。惠誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)最近表示,安大略省的房价被高估25%,公寓市场价格可能下降10%。但是其中并没有点出多伦多。

外国买家看中什么?他们看中这个国家是十大最好的城市中心。他们看中可以购买适合中产阶级的住房,即多伦多“中心地区”新建住房每平方英尺550加元至750加元,若是房屋价格为50万加元,那是曼哈顿的两倍。至于豪宅, 在加拿大多伦多海湾街的房产销售厅,诸如特朗普(Trump)等有炫耀资本的品牌豪宅销售价格要低于其他任何城市。



[caption id="attachment_134580" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 中国富人匹敌美国人,成为温哥华顶级房地产的最大买家群之一[/caption]



今年1月,新成立的深圳房地产投资公司贵联集团(Brilliant Circle Group)从帝国石油公司(Imperial Oil)手中购得温哥华232英亩海滨地段,但未透露交易金额。在该地区类似地段的售价在100万加元以下。
在这个摩天大楼并不常见的城市,共有5个新豪华住宅大楼正在建设中。根据加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)数据显示,今年预计共有34,500名新移民将定居不列颠哥伦比亚省,这三年来该地新移民总数超过45,000。其中, 65%将来自亚太地区,大部分来自中国。他们将会与当地人和美国争夺炫耀性豪华住宅。

“过去8年我们的房地产市场增长稳定,没有重大波动。即使2008年的金融危机对该地房市的影响也只不过是昙花一现。” 加拿大温哥华苏富比国际物业(Sothebys International Realty Canada)总裁兼首席执行官罗斯·麦克雷迪(Ross McCredie)说,“所有这一切都归结到加拿大人到温哥华定居、外国移民和外商所有权。这里的房产交易量很大。”





How Foreign Real Estate Investors Are Changing Canada's Skyline

Toronto is the Canadian Dubai. Developers there are building 97 residential towers, more than any other city in North America, according to Emporis GmbH. It’s been building like mad for much of the last five years, and there is no end in sight. Fitch Ratings said recently that housing prices in Ontario are 25% overvalued and condo market prices may decline as much as 10%. But they didn’t single out Toronto.

What do foreign buyers see? They see a country that charts in the top 10 of best urban centers to live. They see they can buy middle class housing for$550 to $750 per square foot in new developments on the “center ice” of Toronto, homes for half a million dollars that would go for double that in Manhattan.

As far as luxury properties go, the luxury properties with brand names like Trump slapped by the lobby door on Bay Street are cheaper than they are in any city with decent bragging rights and caché.

Canada’s housing market for investors remains stable, with risks to the upside. Land prices are one contributing factor. Locals are moving upmarket, and wealthy foreigners – in this case Chinese and Indians – are depositing cash in their adult child’s bank accounts to buy real estate. Immigration into Canada is expected to have an impact on home prices for years to come. Supply is limited in the tier one cities like Toronto, contributing to double digit price increases. In March, Toronto home prices rose 10% on an annualized basis.

Canada ranks a distant third behind the U.S. and Australia in terms of top destinations for Chinese real estate investors, but new project proves if you build it, they will come.

The same holds for Vancouver.

In January, a newly formed Shenzhen based real estate investment firm called Brilliant Circle Group acquired 232 acres of land along the waterfront in Vancouver. It was owned by Imperial Oil and sold for an undisclosed amount. Similar parcels in the area sold for under $1 million.

In a city where skyscrapers are not the norm, five new luxury residential towers are being built. According to Statistics Canada, 34,500 new immigrants are expected to settle in British Columbia this year, rising to over 45,000 in three years. Of that total, 65% will come from Asia Pacific, with the bulk of them coming from China. They’ll be competing with the locals and the Americans for trophy properties.

“Our real estate market has seen a steady increase over the last 18 years with no major correction. Even in 2008, it was just a blip,” said Ross McCredie, President and CEO of Sothebys International Realty Canada in Vancouver. “It all comes down to net migration of Canadians moving to Vancouver, foreign immigration and foreign ownership. There’s a lot of money changing hands here.”

Last year, the West side of Vancouver had around 25% to 30% foreign buyers, mostly all of them from China, McCredie told FORBES.

This number is expected to increase. As China’s government allows its locals greater access to foreign markets, individuals will use those laws to diversify their holdings out of China. And for the individual investor, prime real estate in stable countries with safe cities near brand named educational institutions will sell every day of the week.

Canadian property buyers have traditionally been the incumbent buyers of real estate assets, but a growing mix of international developers from China are seeking to park capital there as well.

“A lot of our Chinese buyers have been living in Canada almost all of their lives and have businesses still in China, through family,” said McCredie. “They didn’t sever ties with the mainland. So what we are seeing in Canada, with the currency weaker that it has been at 80 cents to the dollar, they have had the extraordinary benefit of growth in China in the past and they are still participating in the growth in China today. A lot of that money trickles back in to real estate.”




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