
大选落幕 英国房价创新高


[caption id="attachment_134198" align="aligncenter" width="500"] 大选落幕 英国房价创新高[/caption]




Rightmove的住房市场分析师Miles Shipside表示:“临近大选几周前,一些买家就已经踌躇不定,导致一些卖家在春季后期遭受非季节性的价格停滞。”Miles Shipside认为,新政府需要迫切发挥其作用,确保更多新居可交房,防止报价进一步上升。



RICS指出,希望买房的人数在5月大幅上涨。但是,尽管首相戴维·卡梅伦领导的保守党意外地打败了竞争对手工党——工党曾计划征收更高的豪宅税,​​但潜在卖房者人数并未增加。RICS首席经济学家Simon Rubinsohn表示:“正因如此,英国大部分地区房价继续被推高、变得更难以承受,也就不足为奇了。” 


Simon Rubinsohn 指出:“市场对政府很快出台推动新增供应的必要措施没有信心。”

Price of UK homes hits a new record high after election

The average asking price for homes in England and Wales hit a new record high as buyers returned to the market after last month's national election, property website Rightmove said.

The average asking price in the period between May 10 and June 6 jumped by a monthly 3 per cent to £294,351, Rightmove said in a statement on Monday.

Prices in London shot up by nearly 6 per cent after a 2.3 per cent fall in the previous monthly figures when there had been concerns about the opposition Labour Party's proposal for a new "mansion tax" on expensive properties.
In annual terms, prices in England and Wales were up 4.5 per cent.

The Conservative Party's success in winning an unexpected majority in parliament in the May 7 election helped boost the number of buyers but an anticipated increase in sellers had not occurred and supply fell, it said.

"Some buyers had been holding back in the weeks before the election, leading to some sellers suffering an unseasonal price stand-still in the late spring," said Miles Shipside, Rightmove's housing market analyst.

The new government urgently needed to play its part to deliver more new homes and stop asking prices being pushed up further, he said.

Several other measures of British house prices have recently shown the market heating up again after new rules on mortgage lending caused a slowdown last year.

Last week, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors said its monthly index - which measures members' expectations for house prices over the next three months - rose to plus 34 in May from plus 32 in April, broadly in line with economists' forecasts.

This takes the index to its highest level since August last year, when property prices were just starting to cool after reaching double-digit rates of growth earlier in 2014.

RICS said the number of people looking to buy a house rose sharply in May. But the same was not true of people wanting to sell houses, despite an unexpected victory for Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives over the opposition Labour Party, which had planned higher taxes on luxury homes.

"As a result, it is hardly surprising that prices across much of the country are continuing to be squeezed higher with property set to become ever more unaffordable," said RICS chief economist Simon Rubinsohn.

The number of properties on sale per surveyor was now its lowest since the survey started in 1978, RICS said, and prices were likely to rise by a quarter over the next five years.

Cameron has pledged to increase the number of homes being built, but recent measures have boosted demand for housing rather than construction.

"There is no real confidence that the measures necessary to deliver a meaningful boost to new supply will be put in place anytime soon," Rubinsohn said.




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