
科技热带动硅谷房市涨翻天 帕洛阿尔托十年房价涨逾一倍


美国房地产行情公司网站PropertyShark绘制了一张地图,显示了圣克拉拉县(Santa Clara County)房价在2004年和2014年之间大幅上涨。标红的区域,颜色越深,代表该地区每平方英尺平均售价上涨幅度越高。

整个区域的房价上升趋势都非常明显,而涨幅最大的当属帕洛阿尔托。这里不仅是斯坦福大学所在地,而且一些知名科技高管,如脸书首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)、苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook),以及雅虎首席执行官玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)也居于此地。

根据PropertyShark的分析,在帕洛阿尔托某些地区,房产平均销售价格已经翻了一倍多。例如,在利兰庄园(Leland Manor),每平方英尺的价格已从2004年的752美元涨到2014年的1,612美元,上涨幅度达到107%。而在南门(South Gate),2014年,每平方英尺的价格达到1,371美元,上涨了126%。

谷歌总部的所在地山景城(Mountain View),在过去的十年的房价变化也十分巨大。在山景城中部,平均销售价格已上涨69%,达到每平方英尺947美元。米拉蒙特-施普林格(Miramonte – Springer)2014年房屋平均销售价格为每平方英尺1,000美元,十年上涨了47%。

Home prices in Palo Alto have more than doubled in the past decade

Silicon Valley is home to some of the biggest tech companies and wealthiest people on the planet.

All of that wealth has led to an extremely bloated real estate market, where even teardowns sometimes cost several millions of dollars.

Real estate listings site PropertyShark created a map that shows just how drastically Santa Clara County home prices rose between 2004 and 2014.

The redder a particular area, the greater the increase in median sale price per square foot.

The rise in home prices is pretty pronounced across the region, but nowhere is it more severe than in Palo Alto, home to Stanford University and noted tech executives like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Apple CEO Tim Cook, and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer .

According to PropertyShark’s analysis, median sale prices have more than doubled in certain parts of Palo Alto.

In Leland Manor, for example, the price per square foot has risen 107% from $752 in 2004 to $1,612 in 2014. In South Gate, the price per square foot has risen 126% to reach $1,371 last year. 

Mountain View, home to Google headquarters, has also seen some big changes in the last decade.

In Central Mountain View, the median sale price has risen 69% to reach $947 per square foot. Homes in Miramonte – Springer had a median sale price of $1,000 per square foot in 2014, a 47% increase.




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