
2015年印尼巴厘岛房价将上涨10% 重点投资区域你要知



巴厘岛印尼银行行长Dewi Setyowati预测巴厘岛房地产(主要住房)市场前景仍然良好,与房价将上涨5-10%的预测相一致。同时她表示,政府出台的一系列积极支持商业发展和就业的政策亦有可能影响她的预测。

印尼中央银行早前针对印尼房地产协会(Indonesian Real Estate Association)和印尼房地产经纪人协会(Indonesian Real Estate and Broker Association)的成员开展过一项调查,显示大家对2015年有利的商业环境保持乐观。

Setyowati还补充道,巴厘岛房地产市场发展良好的指标是针对购房者对价格低于10 亿印尼盾(约合50万人民币)的住房需求。当地有好几个房价在10亿印度尼西亚盾左右的潜力地区的发展需要注意考虑,如Tabanan区、Negara区、Klungkung区、Bangli区和东部的Karangasem区。而且她还提醒,地产开发商未来有可能对其地产的销售或营销上越来越有选择性。

Property prices on the Indonesian island of Bali could rise by as much as 10 percent, according to forecasts issued by Bank Indonesia citing fluctuations in fuel prices as the main reason.

The Head of Bank Indonesia Bali Dewi Setyowati said: “It is estimated that the market outlook for properties (primarily home) is still good, in line with the estimated increase of about 5 percent to 10 percent in prices.”

She added a number of government policies that are positively supporting both businesses and employment influenced her predictions.

The Central Bank had previously surveyed members of the Indonesian Real Estate Association (REI) and the Indonesian Real Estate and Broker Association (AREBI), and that revealed favourable business conditions that are forecast to remain positive in 2015.

“The indicator is the consumers demand for properties less than Rp1 billion,” Setyowati added, noting prospective areas considered for development with the selling prices around Rp1 billion include Tabanan District, Negara District, Klungkung District, Bangli District, and the eastern region of Karangasem District.

She also cautioned that developers will likely become more selective in selling or marketing their properties.






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