出售 独栋别墅 居外物业ID: 68068428


约¥ 1,276 万

USD 1,800,000 约¥2.0万/㎡
Las Golondrinas, Tamarindo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica


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位于皮尼拉庄园(Hacienda Pinilla)的豪华高尔夫前沿庄园(Luxury Golf front Estate)是位于皮尼利亚庄园高尔夫球场上的一座精致住宅。这是一个为招待客人而建造的豪华酒店,拥有一系列舒适设施,在这个独特的社区里,没有其他房子像这样。

位于皮尼拉庄园(Hacienda Pinilla)的豪华高尔夫球场由度假租赁专家设计,是一个可靠的收入来源,每年可产生敢达30万美元的收入,这些数据和年度预测可供合格买家使用。



穿过起居区回到浮动楼梯,你会发现楼上有两间主卧室,它们都可以俯瞰游泳池和室外的起居空间,这些空间都会溢到高尔夫球场。很可能这个家最独特的特点之一是它的12人电影院,非常适合家庭聚会和招待客人。当你回到楼下的时候,你会发现一个女仆宿舍和一个隐藏的厨房,让客房工作人员在不打扰客人的情况下工作。最后,位于皮尼拉庄园(Hacienda Pinilla)的豪华高尔夫酒店(Luxurious Golf front Estate)提供了一间带独立厨房和办公室的附属私人公寓,在家中提供了一个隐蔽的空间。

该酒店的所有设施只会增加其地理位置的吸引力,这是哈西恩达·皮尼拉(Hacienda Pinilla)顶级海滩度假社区的一部分。在这里,您可以享受到您可能想要的最好的舒适设施,从马术中心到俯瞰海洋的锦标赛高尔夫,到高级山地自行车,甚至世界级的冲浪。此外,作为这个社区的业主,您可以独家使用私人海滩俱乐部和J.W.Marriott酒店迷人的美食。


Luxurious Golf-front Estate in Hacienda Pinilla is an exquisite home located right on the golf course of Hacienda Pinilla. A gorgeous property built to entertain its guests with an array of comforts, there’s quite simply no other house like this in this exclusive community.

Luxurious Golf-front Estate in Hacienda Pinilla was designed by vacation rental specialists as a surefire income producer that could generate up to $300,000 in annual revenue, data that’s available, with annual projections, for qualified buyers.

The home itself consists of 8 bedrooms and 8.5 bathrooms. As you enter the property through its grand entrance, you’ll find a 12-foot door that swings open into the resort-style pool. Upon turning to your left you will see a row of four bedrooms, all with ensuite bathrooms that overlook the swimming pool and the outdoor living spaces. The end bedroom also boasts a wonderful view of the golf course from its floor-to-ceiling windows.

As you walk back through the main entryway into the living area, you’ll find yourself underneath the floating staircase that leads into the kitchen. The living room offers a large sectional custom-built for the home to accommodate numerous guests. The kitchen itself is very sleek and modern, with quartz countertops and a kitchen island that seats nine. As you open the sliding doors of the living area, you find yourself seamlessly transitioning from indoor to outdoor living spaces. With an outdoor kitchen overlooking the golf course, you’ll enjoy the fresh air as you prepare your meals. The grass courtyards lead you to the fire pit, also made for enjoying some smores during the evening hours while sitting by the pool.

Making your way back to the floating staircase through the living area, you’ll find two master bedrooms upstairs, both overlooking the pool and outdoor living spaces that overflow into the golf course. Quite possibly one of the most unique features of this home is its 12-person movie theater, perfect for family gatherings and entertaining guests. As you make your way back downstairs, you’ll find a maid's quarters and a hidden kitchen intended to allow the house staff to work without interrupting the guests. Finally, Luxurious Golf-front Estate in Hacienda Pinilla offers an attached private apartment with its own kitchen and office, allowing for a secluded space within the home.

All of the property’s amenities only add to the allure of its location, part of the premier beach resort community of Hacienda Pinilla. Here you’ll find access to some of the finest comforts you could desire, from an equestrian center to championship golfing overlooking the ocean, to advanced mountain biking and even world-class surfing. Also, as an owner in this community, you have exclusive access to the private beach club and the glamorous fine dining of J.W. Marriott hotel.



Family Environment
2Costa Rica Real Estate
Todd Cutter
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