出售 公寓 居外物业ID: 73647612


约¥ 1,419 万

USD 2,000,000
, San Jose, Costa Rica


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巴斯克斯德科罗纳多 (AD) 的优质房产待售。
在哥斯达黎加令人惊叹的自然美景中心发现一个独特的机会。这片位于巴斯克斯德科罗纳多的 18.4 公顷房产不仅提供了一片宁静的绿洲,还展现了无数无限的可能性。其多功能的土地用途,结合了住宅和商业,为您提供了实现最雄心勃勃的梦想的自由。
目前的建设将于 2023 年进入最后阶段,共占地 605 平方米,分布在两栋房屋中。第一栋房子面积为 300 平方米,分布在两层,布局宽敞,包括宽敞的起居室、用餐区和厨房、三间舒适的卧室、一间实用的办公室、两间全功能浴室和一个可停放四辆有盖汽车的车库。此外,它还设有一间储藏室和六个阳台,让您可以欣赏该地区的全景。
第二栋房子面积为 305 平方米,分布在两层,布局类似,起居室和用餐区同样宽敞,厨房设备齐全,办公室功能多样,车库可停放两辆有盖汽车。它还有一个储藏室和三个阳台,让您可以放松身心,享受这个独特位置带来的宁静。
建造年份:2023 年。
土地面积:183,632 平方米。
建筑面积:605 平方米。
售价:3,900,000 美元。
• 状况:全新。
• 城市:Vázquez de Coronado, San José。
• 房产类型:土地。
• 国家:哥斯达黎加。
• 建筑面积:605 平方米。
• 卧室:4
• 浴室:2
• 楼层:3
• 交易类型:出售。
• 房产上建造的单位:2
• 售价:3,900,000 美元。
• 客厅。
• 餐厅。
• 厨房。
• 花岗岩台面。
• 早餐吧。
• 洗衣区。
• 阳台。
• 露台。
• 步入式衣橱。
• 按摩浴缸。
• 灯具。
• 包含的电器:炉灶和烤箱。
• 储藏室。
• 办公室。
• 热水(饮用)。
• 瓷器和木地板。
• 木制天花板。
• Perlin 桁架。
• 360° 山景。
• 可停放 10 辆车的车库。
• 花园。
• 报警系统。
• 闭路电视。
• 访客停车场。
• 宠物友好。
• 化粪池。
• 带水井和水过滤的供水系统。
• 水泵。
• 提供电话、有线电视和互联网服务。
• 交通便利,靠近医疗中心、公园、商店、超市、教育机构、公共交通和娱乐中心。


Exceptional Property for Sale in Vázquez de Coronado (AD).
Discover a unique opportunity in the heart of Costa Rica's stunning natural beauty. This 18.4-hectare property in Vázquez de Coronado not only offers an oasis of tranquility but also unfolds a myriad of limitless possibilities. Its versatile land use, combining residential and commercial, provides you with the freedom to materialize your most ambitious dreams.
Immersed in the natural richness of the region, this land is a blank canvas for the creation of a visionary project. Can you imagine an exclusive enclave of luxury homes? A sophisticated hotel or resort where visitors can connect with nature? This land offers you the opportunity to turn these visions into reality.
The current construction, which is in its final phase in 2023, comprises a total of 605 sqm spread across two houses. The first house, with its 300 sqm distributed over two levels, offers a spacious layout that includes a generous living room, dining area, and kitchen, three cozy bedrooms, a functional office, two full bathrooms, and a garage for four covered cars. Additionally, it features a storage room and six balconies that allow you to enjoy panoramic views of the area.
The second house, with 305 sqm spread over two levels, offers a similar layout, with equally generous living and dining areas, a well-equipped kitchen, a versatile office, and a garage for two covered cars. It also has a storage room and three balconies that invite relaxation and enjoyment of the serenity offered by this unique location.
The property is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, including CCTV, ensuring the peace of mind and protection of its inhabitants. Furthermore, it has its water supply through a filtered well, guaranteeing a reliable and high-quality water source.
Year of construction: 2023.
Land area: 183,632 sqm.
Construction: 605 sqm.
Sale Price: $3,900,000.
Property Detail
• Condition: New.
• City: Vázquez de Coronado, San José.
• Property Type: Land.
• Country: Costa Rica.
• Built Area: 605 sqm.
• Bedrooms: 4
• Bathrooms: 2
• Levels: 3
• Transaction Type: Sale.
• Units built on the property: 2
• Sale Price: $3,900,000.
Internal features
• Living room.
• Dining room.
• Kitchen.
• Kitchen cabinets in melamine.
• Granite countertops.
• Breakfast bar.
• Laundry area.
• Balconies.
• Terrace.
• Walk-in closet.
• Jacuzzi.
• Lamps.
• Included Appliances: Cooktop and oven.
• Storage room.
• Office.
• Hot water (Potable).
• Porcelain and wood floors.
• Wooden ceilings.
• Perlin trusses.
• 360° mountain views.
External features
• Garage for 10 vehicles.
• Electric gate.
• Garden.
• Alarm system.
• Visitor parking.
• Pet-friendly.
• Septic tank.
• Water system with well and water filtration.
• Water pump.
• Availability for telephone, cable, and internet services.
• Easily accessible, close to healthcare centers, parks, shops, supermarkets, educational institutions, public transportation, and recreational centers.

Engel & Völkers Tamarindo
Jogi Gerner

View property in English


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