
投资自住俱佳 投资者争抢布里斯班北部郊区房产


澳大利亚房地产集团Raine & Horne的Chermside郊区负责人Kim McHardy称,悉尼和墨尔本的投资者积极在布里斯班北部郊区抢购房子。2015年,来自这两个城市的投资者数量翻了三倍。

该房产集团指出,自去年秋季起,投资活动激增已经引起了Chermside、Chermside West、Geebung、Aspley、Stafford、Kedron等郊区的房价攀升了8%左右。

Kim McHardy说,目前,售价在45万至50万澳元、建于20世纪60年代的三居室,格外吸引外地投资者的关注。”



[caption id="attachment_132346" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 布里斯班北部郊区Chermside房价攀升了8%左右[/caption]



“Chermside还有西田购物中心(Westfield Chermside)——南半球最大的购物中心之一,”Kim McHardy说,“大规模的零售商业区,加上优越的地理位置,对于澳大利亚南部昆士兰州的聪明投资者来说,这里的确很诱人。”

Buyers rushing to northern suburb

House values are continuing to climb in one area with local and interstate investors chasing value and capital growth.

The number of Sydney and Melbourne investors snapping up houses in the Brisbane’s northern suburbs has tripled in 2015, according to Kim McHardy, principal of Raine & Horne Chermside.

The rush of activity has caused house values in suburbs such as Chermside, Chermside West,Geebung, Aspley, Stafford and Kedron to climb around eight per cent since autumn 2014, the real estate group said.

“Three-bedroom houses built in the 1960s, which are priced between $450,000 and $500,000, are attracting significant interstate investor attention,” Mr McHardy said.

“There’s a growing recognition that Brisbane represents real estate value and we have seen a major upswing in the number of interstate investors buying up established properties over the past few months.”

Mr McHardy said Chermside’s robust housing market was expected to drive up interest in local apartments which are very affordable compared with units in Sydney and Melbourne – and enjoy high occupancy rates.

“It is still possible to pay under $340,000 for a two-bedroom apartment in Chermside and receive $340 a week in rent,” he said.

In addition, the suburb has a number of drivers and amenities which will appeal to buyers and tenants alike, he said.

Mr McHardy noted that Chermside is a business hub located right kilometres from the Brisbane CBD and a 20-minute drive to the airport and the Port of Brisbane. The suburb is also 50 minutes to the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.

“We also have Westfield Chermside, which is one of the biggest shopping centres in the Southern Hemisphere,” Mr McHardy said. “The area’s massive retail precinct, along with Chermside’s excellent location, is a big tick with savvy southern state investors.”




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