
中国投资者继续聚焦美国房产 纽约龙头地位稳如泰山


[caption id="attachment_121778" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 中国投资者继续聚焦美国房产 纽约龙头地位稳如泰山[/caption]

亚洲最大的房地产公司之一,美国金地集团(Gemdale USA)总裁迈克尔•克鲁帕 (Michael Krupa)称:“我希望中国继续专注于门户城市像纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山,这些地区基本面原本就较强,并且可能会保持这种状态。”

著名主持人、房地产咨询公司拉克曼联合公司(Lachman Associates)总裁琳恩•拉克曼(Leanne Lachman)指出,超过400亿美元的中国资金已经进入商业地产,其中三分之一集中在美国,并且大部分在纽约市。

美国房地产的知名度加上避险承诺将使中国资金流入该市场、鲑鱼回游资本(Salmon Run Capital)首席执行官丹•威尔(Dan Weil)称:“如果世界城市房价变得动荡,你想把你的钱在哪里?美国就是一个投资避风港。”

开发咨询公司杰克马尔联合公司(Jekmar Associates Inc.)总裁路易•卡特索斯(Louis Katsos)称:“纽约一直是,并且仍将是没有外国房地产投资第一目的地。”


夸父房产公司(Kuafu Properties)执行副总裁和开发主管杰弗瑞•多弗雷特(Jeffrey Dvorett)称:“互联网下的信息透明度将有助于中国做出更好的决定。”

威尔称, EB-5类签证的出台为正试图为孩子争取在美国上学机会的父母开了大门。纽约和加利福尼亚成为此类投资最大目的地,主要是因为这两个城市是第一批利用这次机会的地区。“别指望这类签证永远不变,”他称:“我认为这类签证将会再持续五年左右,不过最终还是会结束。”


Chinese real estate investors will stay focused on NY

As the Chinese increase real-estate investments in the United States, they are likely to continue to focus on major cities and metropolitan areas like New York, according to real estate industry professionals.

"I expect the Chinese to continue to focus on the gateway cities like New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco," said Michael Krupa, president of Gemdale USA, a unit of one of Asia's largest real-estate companies. "Those areas have and are likely to maintain strong fundamentals."

Moderator Leanne Lachman, president of Lachman Associates, an independent real estate consulting company, noted that more than $40 billion of Chinese money has gone into commercial real estate with one-third in the US and most of that in New York City.

Familiarity and the promise of a safe haven will keep Chinese money flowing into US real estate, said Dan Weil, CEO of Salmon Run Capital. "If the world is getting funky where do you want to put your money? The US is a safe investment haven," he said.

"New York City has and will remain the No 1 city for foreign real estate investment," added Louis Katsos, president of Jekmar Associates Inc, a consulting and development consulting company.

Lachman asked how this wave of heavy commercial real estate investing can avoid the same fate that befell the Japanese in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

"It's a different time period now," Katsos said. "The Chinese know that as the world gets more dangerous capital is coming to the US and especially New York City."

"The transparency of information due to the Internet will help the Chinese to make better decisions," said Jeffrey Dvorett, executive vice-president and head of development for Kuafu Properties.

"The bulk of EB-5 is for students whose parents are trying to buy them a chance to go to school in America," said Weil. "New York and California are biggest locations for EB-5 funding mainly because they were the first to take advantage of it.

"Don't expect this (EB-5) to continue forever," he continued. "I see this going on for another five years or so but eventually it will end."




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