
中国首富王健林揭秘:出海投资 英国是首选!


[caption id="attachment_118671" align="aligncenter" width="500"] 中国首富王健林揭秘:出海投资 英国是首选![/caption]


王健林称,他对美国市场也很感兴趣,但是美国有外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment)审核投资,可能会令其投资受阻。



此前,王健林投资遍及世界各地,令人瞩目,包括英国游艇公司圣汐(Sunseeker),其制造的超级游艇曾出现在詹姆斯·邦德电影中;美国AMC连锁电影院;以及旗下拥有国际足联世界杯(Fifa World Cup)电视转播权的瑞士体育营销公司盈方(InFront)。


王健林在采访中称,已经有几家英国足球俱乐部与他洽谈收购,但是此次收购的最关键的因素还是在于收购价格。他透露,他已经获得了西班牙马德里竞技俱乐部(Atletico Madrid)20%的股权。

 当被问及是否担心接下来可能会发生的英国脱欧公投,王健林表示并不担心这一点。 他称:“我不认为英国脱欧是个大问题,这是英国和欧盟之间的问题。目前,英国在欧盟地区相对独立,并不使用欧元。”




Wang Jianlin, chair of China's largest property company, Dalian Wanda, said the UK had one of the most open markets and that investment was not subject to the same scrutiny as elsewhere.

Mr Wang told the BBC he was looking to invest $1bn (£667m) in the UK entertainment industry.

He is also considering buying an English or Italian football club.

"I've travelled to many countries to consider them for investment, and most admire Britain's market," he said.

"Britain has one of the highest degrees of free market openness, no investment needs to be scrutinised, it's entirely up to you."

He said that he likes the US as well but the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US scrutinises investment and can block it.

Mr Wang is estimated to be worth $24.2bn and recently reclaimed the title of China's richest man, overtaking Jack Ma, the boss of e-commerce giant Alibaba, according to Forbes.

Global portfolio

Mr Wang has already made some eye-catching investments around the world. He purchased Sunseeker, the British yacht maker for the James Bond films; AMC cinemas in the US; and the Swiss company InFront, which holds TV rights for the Fifa World Cup.

He revealed that he has been discussing an investment with London for the past year. It didn't come to fruition but he is still seeking to invest $1bn in the UK.

In a wide-ranging interview, Mr Wang said that he been approached by several English football clubs but the key factor when it came to buying one was the price. He has already acquired a 20% stake in Spanish club Atletico Madrid.

When asked if he was concerned about the possibility of the UK leaving the EU after a potential upcoming referendum, he said that he wasn't.

"I don't think it is a big problem for me whether the UK is in the EU or not. It is a problem between the UK and Europe. The UK is relatively independent in the EU at present. It does not use the euro."

China needs reform

When it comes to his home market, Mr Wang believes that China will open up more over time. He points out that because of the dominance of state-owned firms, the market isn't open enough for private Chinese, as well as for foreign firms, and needs reform.

Mr Wang also expects China to undertake the privatisation of land. He sees it as the only way to resolve the debt problems confronting local governments.

He says that they owe 20 trillion yuan of debt and do not generate enough revenue to pay it down, so he sees the only solution as allowing land to be privately sold.




海外投资 万达集团 中国富豪 投资英国 王健林



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