





加拿大蒙特利尔银行(BMO)的前首席经济学家、目前就职于抵押贷款经纪公司多明尼昂贷款中心(Dominion Lending Centres)的谢丽·库珀(Sherry Cooper)称,卡尔加里的卖房者如果坐等油价回升将会后悔莫及,在她看来,房价还会继续重挫10%至20%。

“从什么样的水平下降?从已经有泡沫的房价。卡尔加里的平均房价已经出现暴涨。从这一角度来看,它曾经是加拿大最强劲的房地产市场” 库珀如是说。公寓价格在二月遭受重挫,平均下降8%至304,000加元,独栋别墅价格下跌了3.3%至534,000加元,联排别墅价格下降2.2%至417,000加元。

加拿大会议局(Conference Board of Canada)的最新省级展望显示,阿尔伯塔省将陷入衰退,并且至少持续到2016年。


Calgary’s real estate market is nearing a critical junction more than six months after oil’s dramatic decline first started threatening what had largely been seen as the strongest housing market in the country.

So far this month, total sales are down 36 percent while new listings are rising nine percent. Median prices are down half a percent, while the average home price is down 3.4 percent, according to the Calgary Real Estate Association.

Clearly, it’s a bad time to sell your home in Calgary, yet those looking to sell are still clinging to hopes that oil will rebound and revive the dismal economic prospects in Canada’s energy centres.

Sherry Cooper, the former chief economist at BMO, now at Dominion Lending Centres, says sellers in Calgary’s real estate market will be in for a rude awakening if they sit on the bench. She says 10 and even 20 percent price declines are on their way, but those deep cuts need to be contrasted against Calgary’s juggernaut gains on the back of oil above $100 a barrel.

“Declines from what level? Declines from levels that were already inflated. The average price of a house in Calgary had increased dramatically. In fact, it was the strongest housing market in the country from that perspective,” said Cooper.

Condos have been the hardest hit in February; average prices are down eight percent to $304,000. Detached houses fell 3.3 percent to $534,000, and attached homes fell 2.2 percent to $417,000.

The Conference Board of Canada's latest provincial outlook says Alberta will fall into recession and stay there until at least 2016.





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