美国房地产网站Property Shark的数据专员最近根据2014年房屋销售的平均价格,编制了硅谷最昂贵的邮政编码排名。结果可谓毫无新意,圣马刁县(San Mateo)的阿瑟顿镇(Atherton)以390万美元的中位房价霸占榜首。
好几位高科技巨头富豪都在这里购置了房产,包括微软联合创始人保罗•艾伦(Paul Allen)丶谷歌董事长埃里克•施密特(Eric Schmidt),以及惠普CEO梅格•惠特曼(Meg Whitman),连脸书COO雪莉•桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)在去年搬到附近城镇门洛帕克(Menlo Park)的新居之前也是住在阿瑟顿。
完整的Property Shark硅谷邮政编码排名见下列图表:
The 20 Most Expensive Zip Codes In Silicon Valley
This Atherton home is on sale for $28 million.
Silicon Valley has one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country, thanks in part to a high concentration of high-salaried tech workers.
The data team at real estate listings site PropertyShark recently shared a list of the most expensive zip codes in Silicon Valley. They compiled the ranking by comparing the median prices for home sales that were completed in 2014.
Somewhat unsurprisingly, ritzy San Mateo County town Atherton ranked at the top of the list with a median sale price of $3.9 million.
Several wealthy tech executives, including Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen, Google chairman Eric Schmidt, and HP CEO Meg Whitman, currently own homes here. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg also lived in Atherton before she moved into her new waterfall-equipped home in nearby Menlo Park last year.
PropertyShark’s complete rankings are in the chart below.