如果您正在寻找位于里贝拉德查帕拉 (Ribera de Chapala) 的土地,价格实惠,位于私人封闭式社区,且为全家人提供便利设施,那么这是一个绝佳的机会!
该待售地块面积为 724.97 平方米,位于 Constanza Residential Club,这是 San Juan Cosalá 最独特、最负盛名的封闭式社区。这里被壮观的景色所环绕:一边是郁郁葱葱的绿色山脉,另一边是查帕拉湖。该土地已准备好转让契约并建造您的梦想家园。
24 小时保安 绿地 无边泳池 阳光甲板 更衣室 小吃区 健身房 可欣赏查帕拉湖美景的露台 儿童游乐区 多功能室 商务中心 宠物区 私人水井 维护费:1,449.94 墨西哥比索
土地价值:3,262,365.00 墨西哥比索
If you are looking for land to buy in Ribera de Chapala with excellent value, in a private gated community, and with amenities for the whole family, this is a great opportunity!
This plot for sale measures 724.97 m² and is located in Constanza Residential Club, the most exclusive and prestigious gated community in San Juan Cosalá. A place surrounded by spectacular views: lush green mountains on one side and Lake Chapala on the other. The land is ready for deed transfer and to build your dream home.
24-hour security Green areas Infinity pool Sun deck Dressing rooms Snack area Gym Terrace with views of Lake Chapala Children's play area Multipurpose room Business center Pet zone Private water well Maintenance fee: $1,449.94 MXN
Land value: $3,262,365.00 MXN
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