这块专属住宅地块拥有 72 英尺(22.09 米)长的海滨和 268 英尺(81.80 米)的深度,是您建造梦想家园的绝佳机会。这块地块总面积为 19,411 平方英尺(1,803.35 平方米),是您设计梦寐以求的海滨住宅的理想空间。
这块土地位于黄金地段,拥有联邦海事区特许权,可用于装饰用途,让您享受无与伦比的海滨生活方式。建筑指南规定最高高度为 24.95 英尺(7.60 米),提供大量机会来最大限度地欣赏海景。该物业边界宽敞且交通便利,5 米宽的临街面指定为停车位,两侧和后方各有 6.56 英尺(2 米)的退让空间,确保隐私和舒适。
物业税 81,174 比索/年
HOA 费用 27,654 比索/季度
Discover the perfect opportunity to build your dream home in the stunning Playa del Carmen with this exclusive residential lot, featuring an impressive 72 Ft (22.09 m) of beachfront and a depth of 268 Ft (81.80 m). With a generous total area of 19,411 Sq Ft (1,803.35 m2), this lot offers the ideal space to design the coastal residence you have always desired.
Located in a prime area, this land comes with a maritime federal zone concession for ornamental use, allowing you to enjoy an unparalleled beachfront lifestyle. The construction guidelines establish a maximum height of 24.95 Ft (7.60 meters), offering plenty of opportunities to maximize ocean views. The property boundaries are spacious and accessible, with a 5-meter frontage designated for parking and 6.56 Ft (2-meter) setbacks on both sides and at the rear, ensuring privacy and comfort.
This is the investment you've been waiting for to build your dream home in a paradise setting. Don't miss out on this opportunity
Property taxes $81,174 pesos/year
HOA fee $27,654 pesos/quarterly
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