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这片土地,可能是该地区最后一块私人所有的土地,属于伍伦贡市议会的克利夫兰路区,位于西达普托区域,最近已重新划分为 R2、RU2 和 RE1 住宅开发用地。
这片土地由两个相邻的地块组成,都有克利夫兰路的临街面,分别是房屋地块 Lot1 DP1126171 和牧场地块 Lot1 DP 741423。 照片展示了总体开发区域以及 70 平方牧场屋、棚屋、改进设施和放牧活动的一些情况。
该地块位于克利夫兰路,正对面是Stockland开发的"森林之缘"项目,许多房屋已建成。 我们预计这片土地可开发出200-240个地块,具体取决于战略规划。
以下信息已从伍伦贡市议会可公开查看的网页上提取,涵盖了该土地即将开发的相关摘要细节。 注意:提交意向书的人员应自行确认此土地的开发可能性。
• 伍伦贡地方战略规划声明(LSPS)2020。该地块被认定为位于城市释放区内,并涵盖在西达普托愿景中(详见下文)。LSPS 认定西达普托城市释放区将是重要的住房供应来源,同时也提供环境资产保护。LSPS还认定,交通、基础设施和服务——包括社区和休闲设施——是关键因素。 • 市议会的西达普托愿景(2018)。该地块是西达普托城市释放区的一部分,并被认定为主要的区域性城市释放区。愿景估计该城市释放区可能提供19,500套住房(和超过56,000人的人口)。愿景寻求在中心和公共交通节点周围集中更高密度的开发,并将兼容的土地用途集中,以减少对私人车辆的依赖。愿景还指出,该区块将拥有一个村中心、2-5公顷的社区公园,并位于一个已确定的区域公园旁。愿景还认识到社区设施、学校和托儿服务是强大、健康和互联社区的重要组成部分。
• 市议会的住房战略(2023),指出西达普托是一个关键的住房供应区域。
该地块被认定为易受洪水影响的土地,位于Mullet Creek流域内。Mullet Creek位于南部,Mullet Creek的一条支流位于北部。几条较小的排水线流入这两条较大的溪流。洪水影响对该区块的开发模式有重大影响。克利夫兰路的规划提案草案提出了一个通过填挖解决洪水影响的方案,这需要邻近土地所有者/开发商的合作才能实现提案中拟议的开发区域。
规划提案区域 克利夫兰路规划提案涵盖了WDURA第3阶段沿克利夫兰路的东部部分(附件1和2)。该地块东临达普托中学,北接霍斯利,西靠Stockland第3阶段开发项目,南接Mullet Creek。该地块由21个独立地块组成(表1),总占地面积为382公顷(包括道路和溪流)。规划提案的第1阶段已将大部分土地重新划为住宅区。 剩余部分的区块被称为“延迟区域”,仍然划为RU2农村景观区。第2阶段拟将第1阶段土地及额外的延迟区域重新划分,以避免任何区域划分差距。
请在2024年11月29日(星期五)下午5:00前提交意向书。 请通过电子邮件提交书面意向书。 请致电或发送短信至业主以获取更多信息,或预约进行现场勘察。 大部分土地可以从克利夫兰路的750米临街面看到。
在意向书提交期结束后,所收到的报价将被详细评估,并将直接与相关负责人进行进一步讨论。 如果收到具有吸引力的报价,可能会在2024年11月29日之前完成交易。
To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 6667
This LAND, probably the last in private ownership in the area, forms part of the Wollongong City Council's Cleveland Road Precinct in the West Dapto Area, and has recently been rezoned for R2, RU2, RE1 housing development.
Part of the 28 hectares, has been rezoned RU2 pending further investigation by Council as to its suitability with cut and fill for additional R2 development. Developers have done extensive cut and fill and managing waterways in similar situations such as at Wilton Greens, and South West Sydney, maximising returns.
The land consists of two adjoining titles, both with Cleveland Road frontage, House block Lot1 DP1126171 and Grazing block Lot1 DP 741423.
Photographs show the general development areas and some aspects of the 70 square Ranch House, sheds, improvements and grazing activities.
The land is on Cleveland Road, opposite the well advanced development "Forest Reach" by Stockland, where many houses are already constructed.
We would expect some 200 - 240 blocks to be developed on this land depending on strategic planning.
The information below has been extracted from the WCC public viewable web site, for summary details relevant to the imminent development of the land.
For further information please follow the link to Councils Neighbourhood Plan (Eastern Zone) where the Western Zone is viewable. (Plan work in progress).
LINK: https://wollongong.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/243808/Item-2-Public-Exhibition-Draft-Neighbourhood-Plan-Cleveland-Road-East-Precinct,-Cleveland-Road,-Cleveland.pdf
Note: Persons submitting an EOI or other offer should satisfy themselves as to the development possibilities of this land.
• Wollongong Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 2020. The site is recognised as being within the urban release area and is covered by the West Dapto Vision (discussed below). The LSPS recognises that the West Dapto urban release area is intended to be a significant source of housing supply and will also provide for protection of environmental assets. The LSPS also recognises that transport, infrastructure and services – including community and recreational facilities.
• Council’s West Dapto Vision (2018). The site is part of the West Dapto urban release area and is recognised as a major regional urban release area. The Vision estimates that the urban release area would potentially provide 19,500 dwellings (and a population of over 56,000 people). The Vision seeks to concentrate higher densities around centres and public transport nodes and collocate compatible land uses to reduce reliance on private vehicles. The Vision indicates that the precinct is intended to have a village centre, 2-5ha neighbourhood park and is located next to an identified district park. The Vision also recognises that community facilities, schools and childcare are an important component of a strong, healthy and well-connected community.
• Council’s Housing Strategy (2023) which identifies West Dapto as a key housing supply area.
The subject site is identified as flood prone land, being located within the Mullet Creek catchment. Mullet Creek is to the south, and a tributary of Mullet Creek to the north. Several smaller drainage lines feed into the two larger creeks. Flood impacts have a significant influence on the development patterns within the precinct. The draft Planning Proposal for Cleveland Road proposes a cut/fill solution to the flood impacts that require the cooperation of adjoining landowners/developers for the proposed development areas to be realised
Planning Proposal Site The Cleveland Road Planning Proposal covers the eastern portion of Stage 3 of the WDURA along Cleveland Rd, Cleveland (Attachments 1 and 2). The site is bound by Dapto High School to the east, Horsley to the north, the Stockland Stage 3 development to the west, and Mullet Creek to the south. The site consists of 21 individual lots (table 1) and has a site area of 382 hectares (including roads and creeks). Phase 1 of the Planning Proposal rezoned most of the land holding.
The balance of the precinct referred to as the deferred area, is still zoned RU2 Rural Landscapes. Phase 2 is proposed to rezone the phase 1 lands as well as the additional deferred lands, to avoid any zoning gaps.
The offers should be submitted to arrive no later than 5:00 PM on Friday 29th November 2024
Please submit your EOI in writing by email.
Please phone or text enquiries to the owners to obtain additional information, or to arrange an on site inspection by appointment.
Most of the property can be seen from the 750m frontage on Cleveland Road.
After close of the EOI period, the offers received will be assessed in detail, and further discussions will follow directly with the principals.
A significant or attractive offer may result in a sale prior to closure on 29/11/2024.
To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 6667
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