出售 豪宅 居外物业ID: 70976946


约¥ 3,696 万

EUR 4,700,000
, Estoril, Portugal


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这座位于 Birre 的 6 卧室别墅的惊人项目已经启动,将于 2024 年 12 月完工。该别墅位于一个安静的住宅区,位于一条交通非常有限的街道上,周围只有其他别墅和大自然。仍然非常靠近餐厅、标志性的 Guincho 海滩、马厩、高尔夫球场,距离通往里斯本的高速公路仅几分钟路程。
这栋 3 层别墅设有 6 间卧室,均配有连接浴室,还有一间可爱明亮、非常现代的 32 平方米厨房,自然光线充足,可直接通往泳池旁 72 平方米的露台。有一个独立的餐厅区,旁边是客厅,有大窗户,光线充足,还有一个通往可爱露台的出口。楼上设有 4 间套房,面积均在 15 至 18 平方米之间,均配有良好的衣柜,周围环绕着阳台,可欣赏周围绿色环境的美景。
在-1 楼,我们找到了近 55 平方米的车库、桑拿区和洗衣房,以及更多存储区。
1210 平方米的地块设有 34 平方米的游泳池,周围环绕着完全转向西南的梦幻花园。

卡斯卡伊斯是一个渔村,以其自然美景而闻名,这里有美丽的海滩,例如著名的 Praia da Rainha 和 Praia do Guincho;还靠近各个博物馆、美丽的卡斯卡伊斯码头以及卡斯卡伊斯城堡,这座堡垒曾经是葡萄牙国王的住所,如今是一家五星级酒店,俯瞰着大海和码头。

Mercator Group 是一家瑞典公司,成立于 1968 年,自 1973 年以来一直在葡萄牙从事房地产推广和中介业务。在房地产经纪市场,它始终专注于中高端和豪华细分市场,是房地产经纪市场最古老的参考品牌之一——AMI 203。
自 2010 年以来,我们一直在瑞典和挪威开展业务,在葡萄牙 Maklarna(瑞典)和葡萄牙 Megleren(挪威)品牌下拥有自己的团队和办事处。
墨卡托集团约占过去十年在葡萄牙收购的斯堪的纳维亚投资者的 40%,在某些地方(例如卡斯卡伊斯市)拥有约 80% 的市场份额。
在担任我们的总经理 Engº 后,墨卡托集团与斯堪的纳维亚社区之间的动态非常积极。彼得·比尔顿 (Peter Billton) 曾担任葡萄牙-瑞典商会主席多年,至今仍是该商会董事会成员。



The amazing project of this 6-bedroom villa in Birre has been initiated and will be done by December 2024. The villa is located in a calm and residential area, on a street with very limited traffic, only surrounded by other villas and the nature. Still very close to restaurants, the iconic Guincho beach, stables, golf courses and only a few minutes away from the highway to Lisbon.
This 3 floor villa features 6 bedrooms, all en suite, a lovely bright and very modern 32 sqm kitchen with plenty of natural light and direct access to the 72 sqm terrace next to the pool. There is a separate dining room area and then the living room right next to it, with large windows letting plenty of light in, and also with an exit to the lovely terrace. On the upper floor it features 4 suites, all of them between 15-18 sqm, all equipped with good closets and surrounded by verandas with a lovely view over the green surroundings.
On the -1 floor we find the almost 55 sqm garage, the sauna area and a laundry room, among more storage areas.
The 1210 sqm plot has a 34 sqm pool, surrounded by a fantastic garden completely turned to south west.
A fantastic product on a fantastic location.

Cascais is a fishing village, famous for its natural beauty, where the wonderful beaches stand out, such as the well-known Praia da Rainha and Praia do Guincho; also by the various Museums, the beautiful Cascais Marina, and also by the Citadel of Cascais, a fortress once the residence of the Kings of Portugal and today a 5-star hotel, overlooking the sea and the Marina.
It has high quality restaurants, with international cuisine as well as the typical Portuguese and a diversity of shops and indispensable services for those who want to live or spend holidays in a beautiful place, quiet, full of history, and at the same time with all the amenities for a lifestyle in full.

Mercator Group is a company of Swedish origin founded in 1968 and whose activity has been the promotion and mediation of real estate since 1973 in Portugal. In the real estate brokerage market it has always focused on the medium high and luxury segments, being one of the oldest reference brands in the real estate brokerage market - AMI 203.
Since 2010, we have been working with a constant presence in Sweden and Norway with our own teams and offices under the brands Portugal Maklarna (Sweden) and Portugal Megleren (Norway).
Over the several years of working with the Scandinavian market, we have developed the ability to build a close relationship between the Scandinavian investor client and the Portuguese market, meeting an increasingly informed and demanding demand.
The Mercator Group represents about 40% of the Scandinavian investors who have acquired in Portugal in the last decade, having, in some places, about 80% of market share, such as the municipality of Cascais.
We have as clients and partners the best offer in the real estate market Portuguese, privileging the quality and the perspective of future investment.
The dynamic between the Mercator group and the Scandinavian community is very positive having been our general director, Engº. Peter Billton, also president of the Portuguese-Swedish Chamber of Commerce for several years and still today belongs to its board of directors.

All the information presented is not binding, not dispensing with the confirmation by consulting the documentation of the property.


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