出售 豪宅 居外物业ID: 69257366


约¥ 3,364 万

EUR 4,375,000
, Lagos, Portugal


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简直耸人听闻。这个最先进的庄园住宅是完成的最后阶段。坐落在一个层叠的绿色山谷的高处,坐落在 7000 多平方米的郁郁葱葱的景观土地上。此属性占据了黄金地段和非常私人的位置。较高的位置享有大西洋、Meia Praia 和 Porto de Mos 的金色海滩、Monchique 山脉和 Boa Vista 高尔夫球场的全景。屋顶露台、甲板和战略定位的外部空间提供了完美的平台,让您沉浸在风景中。 500 平方米的主要住所简直是神圣的。内部电梯服务于 3 个楼层,为行动不便的人提供便利。电梯服务于底层的主要生活区、楼上的屋顶露台,最重要的是它停在地下室的酒窖。开放式厨房直通主要起居区和内部娱乐区,为举办活动和派对提供充足的空间。这个宽敞的空间通过 2 个双层玻璃推拉门通向外部甲板区域。双功能空调、隔热窗户、地板采暖和厚实的墙壁使酒店在整个冬季保持温暖和舒适。原木燃烧的火从天花板上落下,提供了另一种更传统的温暖来源。主厨房配备了所有现代电器,包括葡萄酒冰箱,并配有中央厨房岛。整个庄园的设计旨在节约能源和热量。 48 块太阳能电池板和电池将输出能源成本降至最低,房间的布局和大窗户让每个房间都有充足的自然光线。主屋包括:开放式厨房和起居区,设有精美的拱形天花板和中央燃木壁炉。 :3 间带连接浴室的双人卧室,配有储物单元,主卧室可直接通往游泳池、全尺寸浴缸和步入式衣柜。 :一个额外的小房间,非常适合办公室、图书馆、单人卧室或儿童区。 :一个额外的卫生间和淋浴间,以支持开放式起居区。 :朝南的阳光房画廊,带有玻璃墙和电梯通道。地下一层包括:酒窖和带电梯的储藏室。 :一个房间,既可以用作家庭影院,也可以用作额外的卧室:一个健身房,延伸到草坪露台区,供户外锻炼:一个带按摩浴缸和桑拿房的水疗区。 ;客用卫生间和浴室:储藏室和技术区。不要被“地下室”一词所迷惑,整个楼层通向朝南的景观花园,花园内有两条无限河流!如果您需要卧室,那么只需将这一层的空间变成睡眠区,这样就可以再增加 3 间卧室。小屋包括:开放式厨房和起居区,可通往宽敞的户外露台和延伸至花园的烧烤区。 :两间双人卧室,主卧室带连接浴室,配有储物单元,可通往室外露台:客用卫生间和浴室:屋顶露台覆盖其中一间卧室的整个区域。空中吊床的理想场所。同样,小屋中的所有功能都旨在节约能源和保暖。滑动玻璃门是双层玻璃,隔热层将热量保持在里面。当然,葡萄牙的冬天很短。在这个庄园的主屋和小屋里,你几乎不会注意到它们。庄园内的两处房产都得益于对细节的仔细审查和敏锐的观察。外面的空间也不例外。位于主屋外的主要甲板区域适合举办婚礼。火坑设有带 Azulejo 风格瓷砖的雕刻石凳,内置的床上生长着植物。 10 x 5 米的恒温无边泳池和配套的露台和石雕在夜间亮起。事实上,整个户外露台和甲板区域都配备了 LED 照明,只展示了完整的私人户外娱乐区。这些物业为停车场提供了大量的发达区域。舒适地容纳 20 辆汽车,距离主屋仅一箭之遥。简而言之,这是一个绝对的房产天堂,位于葡萄牙西南部地区,在生活方式方面简直是最好的。到当地景点的距离包括以下 Meia Praia 海滩仅 4.6 公里或 9 分钟车程 Porto de Mos 海滩仅 5.3 公里或 9 分钟车程 拉各斯的历史中心仅 3.8 公里或 7 分钟车程距离Barlavento私立国际学校仅3.1公里或7分钟车程距离Val Verde国际学校仅9.2公里或14分钟车程; Boa Vista 高尔夫球场距离酒店 2.7 公里或 6 分钟车程。法鲁机场距离拉各斯不到一个小时的车程,拥有阿尔加维一些最迷人的海滩,这些海滩只会增加中心和周围丰富的自然美景。 Meia Praia 海滩是葡萄牙南部最长的开阔海岸线之一,当地人和游客全年都喜欢在这里享受日光浴、冲浪,或者在众多鲜鱼餐厅中的一家享用美食。事实上,拉各斯周围的整条海岸线简直美不胜收,Praia Dona Ana 和 Porto da Mos 的海滩受到马蹄形悬崖的保护,并提供一流的公共设施。时尚的鸡尾酒吧和木板路餐厅是享用日落饮品的前线平台。冲浪者、水上运动爱好者和寻求户外活动的家庭在拉各斯都能得到很好的满足。前往 Benagil 洞穴的双体船和游船之旅从镇中心的码头出发,该码头本身就是一个受欢迎且繁忙的餐馆和酒吧地带。摩托艇租赁、钓鱼之旅、巨大的水上乐园、拉各斯动物园、国际高尔夫球场和森林探险公园都可以从镇中心轻松抵达。古朴而平静的渔村沿着西南海岸线向萨格里什(欧洲大陆最西端)散布,蒙奇克郁郁葱葱的绿色山脉提供了完美的背景,并提供了一些巨大的步行和自行车道,没有比这更好的方式了在山上结束一天,而不是参观天然温泉度假村之一。拉各斯的历史中心是所有活动的发生地。当地和国际餐厅使用最好的当地食材烹制令人垂涎的菜肴,舒适的露台可容纳来自世界各地的人们,是结识新朋友的理想场所。充满活力的有机市场每周三都会占据该镇最大的停车场(除了日常市场和周末市场) 希望在拉各斯安家的家庭会很高兴得知该地区拥有令人印象深刻的公立和国际学校选择。 Barlavento 国际小学和 Vale Verde 中学距离拉各斯市中心均不到 15 分钟车程,为不同国籍的学生提供国际课程。市政设施包括体育中心令人印象深刻(和翻新过)的公共游泳池。该建筑群还设有体育馆、瑜伽学校和其他体育课程。 Lagos Tennis and Padel club 只是开放式场地选择之一。文化和表演艺术中心管理着一个繁忙的项目,包括各种表演,拉各斯电影院的屏幕上播放着葡萄牙语和英语的最新电影。无论您的拉各斯房产是安居乐业的地方,还是该国最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一的投资回报率,这个小镇及其幸运的居民都会以最热烈的欢迎欢迎您进入这个强大而宁静的社区。

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Simply sensational. This state-of-the art estate residence is the final stages of completion. Sitting top-high on a cascading green valley and set over 7000 m2 of lush landscaped land. This property occupies a prime and very private location. The elevated position offers panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, the golden beaches of Meia Praia and Porto de Mos, the mountains of Monchique and the Boa Vista Golf courses. Rooftop terraces, decks, and strategically positioned outside spaces provide the perfect platforms to soak in the sights. The 500m2 main residence is just simply divine. An internal elevator services the 3 floors offering accessibility for people with limited mobility. The elevator services the main living quarters on the ground floor, the upstairs outside rooftop terrace and most importantly it stops in the basement level wine cellar. The open plan kitchen drops down to the main living and inside entertainment area and offering plenty of space for hosting events and parties. This generous space opens up onto the outside deck area through 2 double glass sliding doors. The dual function air conditioning throughout , thermal insulated windows, underfloor heating and thick solid walls keeps the property warm and cozy throughout the winter months. The log burning fire drops down from the ceiling to provide another and more traditional source of warmth. The main kitchen is fully fitted with all modern appliances including wine fridges and is complete with a central kitchen island. The entire estate has been designed to conserve energy and heat. 48 solar panels and batteries keeps outgoing energy costs to a minimum and the layout of the rooms and large windows allow for plenty of natural light in every room.   The main house is comprised of : An open plan kitchen and living area featuring a beautifully crafted vaulted ceiling and a central log burning fire. : 3 en-suite double bedrooms with fitted storage units with the master bedroom enjoying direct access to the pool, a full sized bath and walk-in wardrobe. : An additional smaller room which would be ideal for an office, library, single bedroom or children's area. : An additional WC and shower room to support the open living area. : A south facing sun-room gallery with glass walls and elevator access. The basement level is comprised of : A wine cellar and storage space with elevator access. : A room which can be used either as a home cinema or an additional bedroom : A gymnasium which spills out onto a grassed terrace area for outdoor workouts : A spa area with a Jacuzzi and sauna room. ; A guest WC and bathroom : A storage room and a technical area. Don't be fooled by the term “Basement” this whole level opens out onto the south-facing fully landscaped gardens which are complete with two infinity rivers! If it´s bedrooms that you need, then simply turn the spaces on this level into sleeping areas which would allow for 3 more bedrooms. The cottage is comprised of : An open plan kitchen and living area which open up onto a spacious outdoor terrace and BBQ area which drops down onto the gardens. : Two double bedrooms, the master bedroom is en suite and has fitted storage units and access to the outside patio : A guest WC and bathroom : A rooftop terrace covering the entire area of one of the bedrooms. An ideal spot for a hammock in the sky. Again, all features in the cottage are designed to conserve energy and warmth. The sliding glass doors are double glazed and the thermal insulation keeps the heat inside. Of course, in Portugal the winters are short. In the main house and cottage on this estate, you would hardly notice them. Both properties on the estate have benefited from a scrutinising and beady eye for detail. The outside space is no different. The main decked area located outside the main house is fit for a wedding. The fire pit features a carved stone bench with Azulejo style tiling with plants growing from the built in beds. The 10 x 5 metre heated infinity pool and supporting terrace and stonework lights up at night. In fact the whole outdoor terrace and deck areas are fitted with LED lighting which only showcases the full and private outdoor entertainment area. The properties offer a mass of developed areas for parking cars. Comfortably accommodating 20 cars just a stones throw from the main house. In short, this is an absolute paradise of a property, in an area of southwest Portugal that is simply the best in terms of lifestyle. Distances to local points of interest include the following Meia Praia beach is just 4.6 km away or a 9 minute drive Porto de Mos beach is just 5.3 km away or a 9 minute drive The historical centre of Lagos is just 3.8km away or a 7 minute drive Barlavento private international school is just 3.1 km away or a 7 minute drive Val Verde international school is just 9.2km away or a 14 minutes drive; Boa Vista golf course is 2.7km or a 6 minute drive. Faro Airport is less than an hours drive   Lagos features some of the most stunning beaches in the Algarve which only add to the abundance of central and surrounding natural beauty. Meia Praia beach is one of the longest open strips of coastline in the south of Portugal and is enjoyed year-round by locals and tourists, whether they be sunbathing, surfing, or feasting at one of the many fresh fish restaurants. In fact, the entire coastline around Lagos is simply magnificent, The beaches of Praia Dona Ana and Porto da Mos are protected by the horseshoe cliffs and offer excellent public facilities. Trendy cocktail bars and boardwalk restaurants provide a front-line platform for a sunset beverage. Surfers watersports enthusiasts, and families looking for outdoor activities are all well catered for in Lagos. Catamaran and boat trips to the Benagil caves leave from the town´s central Marina which in itself is a popular and busy strip of restaurants and bars. Jet ski hire, fishing trips, enormous waterparks, Lagos Zoo, international Golf courses, and forest adventure parks are all within easy access from the town center. Quaint and calm fishing villages are peppered along the southwest coastline towards Sagres (which is the most western point in mainland Europe), the lush green mountains of Monchique provide the perfect backdrop and offer some tremendous walking and cycling trails and there is no better way to end a day on the mountains than visiting one of the natural hot spring resorts. The historical center of Lagos is where all the action takes place. Local and international restaurants turn out mouthwatering dishes using the very best of local produce, cozy terraces seat people from all over the world and are ideal spots to meet new people. The vibrant organic market occupies the town's largest car park every Wednesday (in addition to the daily and weekend markets) Families that are looking to make Lagos home would be happy to learn that the area has impressive options for both state and international schools. The International primary school of Barlavento and the secondary school of Vale Verde are both within 15 minutes drive from Lagos town center and offer international curriculums to a wide range of nationalities. The municipal facilities include the impressive (and renovated) public swimming pools in the sports center. This complex also accommodates a Gymnasium, yoga school, and other sports classes. Lagos Tennis and Padel club is just one of the open court options. The Cultural and Performing Arts Centre manages a busy program with a wide range of performances, Lagos cinema screens reel the latest movies in both Portuguese and English. Whether your Lagos property is a place to call home or an investment for yield return in one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country, this town, and its lucky inhabitants will offer you the warmest of welcomes into a strong and peaceful community.
  Interested to see other property listings? See houses for sale in Lagos and our properties across the Algarve by clicking the links.

Read also our guides on Lagos & the Algarve .
  Please contact us today for more information on this remarkable Quinta property!




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