
纽约“大苹果”不是一般红 跻身全球最热豪宅市场

全球领先的私营房地产顾问服务公司莱坊(Knight Frank)称,2014年,美国豪宅市场异常火热,其高端住宅价格涨幅位居全球第一。

[caption id="attachment_117249" align="aligncenter" width="500"] 纽约豪华房地产市场异常火热,其高端住宅价格涨幅位居全球第一[/caption]


莱坊公司高级合伙人和集团董事长阿利斯泰尔•艾略特(Alistair Elliott)称:“纽约在主要国际住宅指数(Prime International Residential Index)中占据首位,很明显,近期纽约房市已经成功转型,增加了其对国际投资团体的吸引力。”


此次全球高端房市排名中,美国纽约位居第一,紧随其后的是美国中西部的阿斯彭(Aspen)、印度尼西亚的巴厘岛(Bali)、土耳其的伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)以及阿联酋的阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi),这些高端房市的价格涨幅均在14.7%至16%之间。

位居前十位的还有美国旧金山(San Francisco)、爱尔兰都柏林(Dublin)、南非开普敦(Cape Town)、阿曼首都马斯喀特(Muscat)以及美国洛杉矶(Los Angeles),这些高端房市的价格涨幅在13.2%至14.3%之间。
莱坊亚太研究主管尼古拉斯•霍尔特(Nicholas Holt)称:“亚洲市场增长放缓的原因有很多。调控住宅市场降温的宏观政策工具持续影响着市场,在一些增长持续疲软的市场,诸如中国香港和新加坡, 这一点明最为明显。”


 中国北京和广州曾位列全球高端房市榜单前十, 如今这两个城市在主要国际住宅指数排行中已经降至中等,该指数追踪全球100大豪宅市场的价格表现。此外,新加坡在其中的排名几乎垫底。





New York's luxury property market was on fire in 2014, with high-end home prices registering the biggest gains globally, according to Knight Frank.

The value of high-end residential property in the U.S. financial center soared 18.8 percent between December 2013 and December 2014, far outpacing the global average price growth of 2 percent, the real estate consultancy's annual Wealth Report showed on Thursday.

"With New York number one in the Prime International Residential Index, it is clear that it has transformed itself again in the recent past, and as result, has broadened its appeal to the international investment community," said Alistair Elliott, senior partner and group chairman of Knight Frank.

"It is impossible to predict the future, however, with the current confidence in the U.S. economy, the short-term prospects are extremely positive," he said.

U.S. cities dominated the top end of the rankings, with four cities featuring in the top 10. By contrast, Asia, which had four markets in the top 10 in the previous year, had just one.

New York was followed by Aspen, Bali, Istanbul and Abu Dhabi, which saw gains of between 14.7 percent and 16 percent.

San Francisco, Dublin, Cape Town, Muscat and Los Angeles rounded out the top 10, with price advances between 13.2 percent and 14.3 percent.

"Asian growth has moderated for a variety of reasons. Macro-prudential tools, introduced to cool residential markets, continue to have an impact. This is evident most notably in the markets with ongoing weak growth such as Hong Kong and Singapore," said Nicholas Holt, head of research for Asia Pacific at Knight Frank.

"Government policy has been deliberately aimed at limiting price rises through higher taxation and mortgage market intervention," he said.

Beijing and Guangzhou, previously in the top 10, have now slipped to the middle of the Prime International Residential Index – which tracks the price performance of 100 of the world's key luxury markets. Singapore, meanwhile, has fallen almost to the bottom of the charts.

Despite the slowdown in China's economy, wealthy emigrants from the mainland continue to be a significant force in global luxury real estate market, said Holt.

Around 76,200 Chinese millionaires are estimated to have emigrated or acquired alternative citizenship in between 2003 and 2013.

Going forward, Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey will become major suppliers of ultra-high net worth individuals hungry to buy high-end international property," Holt said.

"Indonesian buyers will become a much more serious force in Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific region in 2015."




美国房产 纽约地产 纽约豪华房地产 美国高端住宅



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