
全球房价最难负担排名 温哥华高踞第二

[caption id="attachment_109834" align="aligncenter" width="400"] 2015年温哥华房地产购买力在国际调查中成为11年来排名最差,而且也是入榜全球购买力最差前十名中加拿大唯一一个城市[/caption]



经济学家表示,如果抵押贷款的利率上升,温哥华业主将有麻烦。加拿大资本经济学家David Madani说道,鉴于温哥华房价和家庭收入对比较高,如果抵押贷款的利率小幅上升,那对人们住房购买力将是一次巨大的冲击。



Vancouver’s affordability ranking in 2015 is the worst it has ever been in the international survey’s 11-year history — and it's the only Canadian city to make the top 10.

Vancouver is the second most unaffordable housing market in the world after Hong Kong, according to a new study of major property markets.

That could spell trouble for homeowners if mortgage rates rise, economists say. “Given how high house prices are relative to household incomes, you’d only have to see a moderate increase in mortgage rates to have a really huge hit to affordability,” said David Madani, Canada economist at Capital Economics.

The annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey ranks real estate markets in Canada, the United States, Australia, China, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom.

The survey calculates affordability by comparing median house prices with median incomes — the higher home prices relative to incomes, the more unaffordable the market.

In Vancouver, median home prices were 10.6 times higher than median incomes in 2014. That’s the worst affordability ranking Vancouver has ever received in the survey’s 11-year history, and an increase from 2013 when prices were about the 10.3 times higher than incomes.

In Toronto, median home prices were about 6.5 times higher than median incomes last year.





温哥华房市 加拿大房市 温哥华楼市 房价最难负担



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