Pat Viceconte
维多利亚州, 澳大利亚
64 Wills Street Bendigo Victoria
+61 414 687 703


所有团队成员 >


Viscount Finance group Pty Ltd is a medium sized family company that has owned the building since 2006. We have modernized all of the interior of the building over the last 5 years, and repainted the property externally as well.

Sale Price – The building is offered on the following basis at a net Return of 6% to the Purchaser in Australian Dollars.
The main tenant is the Australia Federal Government that has been in the Building since 2007.

1. As a whole, the Price is Negotiable asking; Aud $3,036,000

2. There are 15 Individual Property Titles in the Crabtrees Corner Building.
The individual prices commence from Aud $ 26,000.
All titles are leased and can be sold separately; with the Strict Proviso that all parts of the Building must be sold, before we can sign the final contract's of sale.
The Prices are specified in the Sale Schedule which is available to prospective purchasers.


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