Dongni Xu


I have been involved in real estate since 1987 starting in Sydney Australia in industrial sales and leasing as a licensed sales person. I progressed to commercial sales and leasing with CBRE in North Sydney as a licensed real estate agent and licensee . I was involved with commercial development and strata office sales where we would convert a building into multiple titles increasing the developers capital gain considerably. Most of my client relationships have been long term. In 1999 I transferred to Christchurch with CBRE becoming their MD and continuing my career in commercial and residential development. In 2008 I was asked to set up Devonia Realty by a client and run it for them which I did and we continued with further commercial developments and a residential development at Carlton Mill Rd where 2 towers were built with whole floor apartments ranging in size from 150m2- 300m2. I was involved with the development from start to finish including as development manager. I helped secure the Hagley Mews site for the current developer and have been involved throughout the project.


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